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Mathematica 中的电子表格处理

Mathematica 是一个数学和科学计算的软件系统。它支持命令行工具和 JavaScript 扩展。

¥Mathematica is a software system for mathematics and scientific computing. It supports command-line tools and JavaScript extensions.

SheetJS 是一个用于从电子表格读取和写入数据的 JavaScript 库。

¥SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.

该演示使用 SheetJS 从电子表格中提取数据,以便在 Mathematica 中进行进一步分析。我们将探讨如何运行外部工具从不透明电子表格生成 CSV 数据并解析 Mathematica 中的数据。

¥This demo uses SheetJS to pull data from a spreadsheet for further analysis within Mathematica. We'll explore how to run an external tool to generate CSV data from opaque spreadsheets and parse the data from Mathematica.


此演示由 SheetJS 用户在以下部署中进行了测试:

¥This demo was tested by SheetJS users in the following deployments:



¥Integration Details

SheetJS NodeJS 模块 可以在 NodeJS 脚本中加载,包括使用 ExternalEvaluate[^1] Mathematica 函数的 "NodeJS" 模式调用的脚本。

¥The SheetJS NodeJS module can be loaded in NodeJS scripts, including scripts invoked using the "NodeJS" mode of the ExternalEvaluate[^1] Mathematica function.

但是,当前的跨平台建议涉及一个专用的命令行工具,该工具利用 SheetJS 库来执行电子表格处理。

¥However, the current cross-platform recommendation involves a dedicated command line tool that leverages SheetJS libraries to perform spreadsheet processing.


¥External Engines


¥The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz:


可以使用 RegisterExternalEvaluator[^2] 从 Mathematica 激活 NodeJS。激活后,JavaScript 代码可以使用 ExternalEvaluate[^3] 运行。如果 NodeJS 代码返回 CSV 数据,ImportString[^4] 可以生成 Dataset[^5]。

¥NodeJS can be activated from Mathematica using RegisterExternalEvaluator[^2]. Once activated, JavaScript code can be run using ExternalEvaluate[^3]. If the NodeJS code returns CSV data, ImportString[^4] can generate a Dataset[^5].


对于驻留在文件系统上的文件,SheetJS readFile 函数 [^6] 可以生成工作簿对象。确切的位置可以通过在 ExternalEvaluate 中打印 require("process").cwd()[^7] 来确定:

¥For a file residing on the filesystem, the SheetJS readFile function[^6] can generate a workbook object. The exact location can be determined by printing require("process").cwd()[^7] in ExternalEvaluate:

In[1]:= ExternalEvaluate["NodeJS", "require('process').cwd()"]
Out[1]= "C:\Users\Me\Documents"

拉取第一个工作表 [^8] 后,SheetJS sheet_to_csv 函数 [^9] 生成一个 CSV 字符串。

¥After pulling the first worksheet[^8], the SheetJS sheet_to_csv function[^9] generates a CSV string.


¥Complete Function


¥The following function reads a file, parses the first worksheet and returns a Dataset object assuming one header row.

(* Import file stored in the Documents folder (e.g. C:\Users\Me\Documents) *)
SheetJSImportFileEE[filename_]:=Module[{csv}, (
(* This was required in local testing *)

(* Generate CSV from first sheet *)
csv:=ExternalEvaluate["NodeJS", StringJoin[
(* module installed in home directory *)
"var XLSX = require('xlsx');",
(* read specified filename *)
"var wb = XLSX.readFile('",filename,"');",
(* grab first worksheet *)
"var ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];",
(* convert to CSV *)

(* Parse CSV into a dataset *)
Return[ImportString[csv, "Dataset", "HeaderLines"->1]];


¥Command-Line Tools

"命令行工具" 演示 创建 xlsx-cli,这是一个命令行工具,用于读取电子表格文件并从第一个工作表生成 CSV 行。

¥The "Command-Line Tools" demo creates xlsx-cli, a command-line tool that reads a spreadsheet file and generates CSV rows from the first worksheet.

ExternalEvaluate[^10] 可以运行命令行工具并捕获标准输出。以下代码片段处理 ~/Downloads/pres.numbers 并将 CSV 数据拉入 Mathematica 中的变量中:

¥ExternalEvaluate[^10] can run command-line tools and capture standard output. The following snippet processes ~/Downloads/pres.numbers and pulls CSV data into a variable in Mathematica:

cmd = "/usr/local/bin/xlsx-cli ~/Downloads/pres.numbers"
csvdata = ExternalEvaluate["Shell" -> "StandardOutput", cmd];

ImportString[^11] 可以将 CSV 数据解释为 Dataset[^12]。通常,CSV 输出的第一行是标题行。HeaderLines[^13] 选项控制 Mathematica 如何解析数据:

¥ImportString[^11] can interpret the CSV data as a Dataset[^12]. Typically the first row of the CSV output is the header row. The HeaderLines[^13] option controls how Mathematica parses the data:

data = ImportString[csvdata, "Dataset", "HeaderLines" -> 1]


¥The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz:


¥Complete Demo

此演示测试 NodeJS 外部引擎和专用命令行工具。

¥This demo tests the NodeJS external engine and dedicated command line tools.

NodeJS 引擎

¥NodeJS Engine

  1. 安装 NodeJS。测试演示时,安装了版本 20.14.0

    ¥Install NodeJS. When the demo was tested, version 20.14.0 was installed.

  2. 在主文件夹(~$HOME%HOMEPATH%)中安装依赖:

    ¥Install dependencies in the Home folder (~ or $HOME or %HOMEPATH%):

npm i --save zeromq@6.1.2
  1. 打开一个新的 Mathematica Notebook 并注册 NodeJS。当在 Windows 中测试该示例时,命令为:

    ¥Open a new Mathematica Notebook and register NodeJS. When the example was tested in Windows, the commands were:


RegisterExternalEvaluator 的第二个参数应该是 node 程序的路径,可以通过在新的终端窗口中运行以下命令找到:

¥The second argument to RegisterExternalEvaluator should be the path to the node program, which can be found by running the following command in a new terminal window:

which node

如果注册了 NodeJS,则 "挂号的" 列中的值为 "真的"。

¥If NodeJS is registered, the value in the "Registered" column will be "True".

  1. 从 NodeJS 运行 require("process").cwd()

    ¥Run require("process").cwd() from NodeJS:

ExternalEvaluate["NodeJS", "require('process').cwd()"]

结果是 NodeJS 脚本的工作目录

¥The result is the working directory for NodeJS scripts

  1. 下载 pres.numbers 并将文件移动到上一个结果的文件夹中。

    ¥Download pres.numbers and move the file to the folder from the previous result.

  2. 将以下代码片段复制(但不要运行)到正在运行的注意本中:

    ¥Copy, but do not run, the following snippet into the running notebook:

(* Import file stored in the Documents folder (e.g. C:\Users\Me\Documents) *)
SheetJSImportFileEE[filename_]:=Module[{csv}, (
(* This was required in local testing *)

(* Generate CSV from first sheet *)
csv:=ExternalEvaluate["NodeJS", StringJoin[
(* module installed in home directory *)
"var XLSX = require('xlsx');",
(* read specified filename *)
"var wb = XLSX.readFile('",filename,"');",
(* grab first worksheet *)
"var ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];",
(* convert to CSV *)

(* Parse CSV into a dataset *)
Return[ImportString[csv, "Dataset", "HeaderLines"->1]];

粘贴后,编辑高亮的行以反映 nodenode.exe 二进制文件的路径。此路径是在步骤 2 中发现的。

¥After pasting, edit the highlighted line to reflect the path of the node or node.exe binary. This path was discovered in Step 2.


¥After editing the snippet, run the expression.

  1. 运行该函数并确认结果是正确的数据集:

    ¥Run the function and confirm the result is a proper Dataset:


SheetJSImportFileEE result


¥Standalone Binary

  1. 创建独立的 xlsx-cli 二进制文件 [^14]。命令应在终端或 PowerShell 窗口中运行:

    ¥Create the standalone xlsx-cli binary[^14]. The commands should be run in a Terminal or PowerShell window:

npm i --save exit-on-epipe commander@2
curl -LO
npx -y nexe -t 14.15.3 xlsx-cli.js
  1. 将生成的 xlsx-cli 移动到 /usr/local/bin 中的固定位置:

    ¥Move the generated xlsx-cli to a fixed location in /usr/local/bin:

mkdir -p /usr/local/bin
mv xlsx-cli /usr/local/bin/

如果出现权限错误,则应使用 root 用户运行该命令:

¥If there are permission errors, the command should be run with the root user:

sudo mv xlsx-cli /usr/local/bin/


¥Reading a Local File

  1. 在新的 Mathematica 注意本中,运行以下代码片段:

    ¥In a new Mathematica notebook, run the following snippet:

SheetJSImportFile[x_] := ImportString[Block[{Print}, ExternalEvaluate[
"Shell" -> "StandardOutput",
"/usr/local/bin/xlsx-cli " <> x
]], "Dataset", "HeaderLines" -> 1]
  1. 下载 并保存到下载文件夹:

    ¥Download and save to Downloads folder:

cd ~/Downloads/
curl -LO
  1. 在 Mathematica 注意本中,运行新函数。如果文件保存到 Downloads 文件夹,则 macOS 中的路径将为 "~/Downloads/pres.numbers"

    ¥In the Mathematica notebook, run the new function. If the file was saved to the Downloads folder, the path will be "~/Downloads/pres.numbers" in macOS:

data = SheetJSImportFile["~/Downloads/pres.numbers"]


¥The result should be displayed in a concise table.

SheetJSImportFile result

从 URL 读取

¥Reading from a URL

FetchURL[^15] 从指定的 URL 下载文件并返回该文件的路径。该函数将被封装在一个名为 SheetJSImportURL 的新函数中。

¥FetchURL[^15] downloads a file from a specified URL and returns a path to the file. This function will be wrapped in a new function called SheetJSImportURL.

  1. 在同一注意本中,运行以下命令:

    ¥In the same notebook, run the following:

SheetJSImportURL[x_] := Module[{path},(
path = FetchURL[x];
  1. 通过下载注意本中的测试文件进行测试:

    ¥Test by downloading the test file in the notebook:

data = SheetJSImportURL[""]

SheetJSImportURL result

[^1]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 ExternalEvaluate Node.js 示例

¥See the ExternalEvaluate Node.js example in the Mathematica documentation.

[^2]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 RegisterExternalEvaluator

¥See RegisterExternalEvaluator in the Mathematica documentation.

[^3]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 ExternalEvaluate

¥See ExternalEvaluate in the Mathematica documentation.

[^4]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 ImportString

¥See ImportString in the Mathematica documentation.

[^5]: 使用 ImportString 中的 "Dataset" 元素 时将创建 Dataset

¥A Dataset will be created when using the "Dataset" element in ImportString

[^6]: 见 readFile 于 "读取文件"

¥See readFile in "Reading Files"

[^7]: 请参阅 NodeJS 文档中的 process.cwd()

¥See process.cwd() in the NodeJS documentation.

[^8]: 工作簿对象的 SheetsSheetNames 属性在 "工作簿对象" 中描述

¥The Sheets and SheetNames properties of workbook objects are described in "Workbook Object"

[^9]: 见 sheet_to_csv 于 "CSV 和文本"

¥See sheet_to_csv in "CSV and Text"

[^10]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 ExternalEvaluate

¥See ExternalEvaluate in the Mathematica documentation.

[^11]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 ImportString

¥See ImportString in the Mathematica documentation.

[^12]: 使用 ImportString 中的 "Dataset" 元素 时将创建 Dataset

¥A Dataset will be created when using the "Dataset" element in ImportString

[^13]: 请参阅 Mathematica 文档中的 HeaderLines

¥See HeaderLines in the Mathematica documentation.

[^14]: 详细信息请参见 "命令行工具"

¥See "Command-line Tools" for more details.

[^15]: Mathematica 11 引入了包括 URLRead 在内的新方法。

¥Mathematica 11 introduced new methods including URLRead.