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Chrome 和 Chromium

SheetJS 独立脚本 可以集成到 Chromium 扩展中。

¥The SheetJS Standalone scripts can be integrated in a Chromium extension.


¥This demo includes examples for exporting bookmarks from a popup and scraping tables with a content script and a background script.

演示 包括 Manifest V2 和 Manifest V3 的未打包扩展。

¥The demo includes unpacked extensions for Manifest V2 and Manifest V3.



¥This demo was tested in the following deployments:

Chrome 1312025-01-02

该演示展示了 Manifest V2 和 Manifest V3 扩展。

¥This demo showcases Manifest V2 and Manifest V3 extensions.

Chrome Web Store 不接受新的 V2 扩展,但可以在开发者模式下使用 "加载解包" 扩展选项进行旁加载。

¥Chrome Web Store will not accept new V2 extensions, but these can be sideloaded using the "Load unpacked" extension option in Developer mode.

新的 Chrome 和 Chromium 扩展应该使用 Manifest V3!

¥New Chrome and Chromium Extensions should use Manifest V3!

加载 SheetJS 脚本

¥Loading SheetJS Scripts

SheetJS 库应该打包在扩展中。出于路径目的,强烈建议将 xlsx.full.min.js 放置在根文件夹中。

¥SheetJS libraries should be bundled in the extension. For path purposes, it is strongly recommended to place xlsx.full.min.js in the root folder.

¥Popup Pages

在 Manifest V2 和 Manifest V3 扩展中,弹出页面可以使用普通的 <script> 标签加载独立脚本:

¥In Manifest V2 and Manifest V3 extensions, popup pages can load the standalone script using a normal <script> tag:

<script type="text/javascript" src="xlsx.full.min.js"></script>


¥Content Scripts

在 Manifest V2 和 Manifest V3 扩展中,可以通过 content_scripts 字段加载独立脚本:

¥In Manifest V2 and Manifest V3 extensions, the standalone script can be loaded through the content_scripts field:

  /* in manifest.json v2 or v3 */
"content_scripts": [{
"matches": ["<all_urls>"],
"js": ["xlsx.full.min.js", "content.js"],
"run_at": "document_end"

XLSX 全局将对其他内容脚本可见。

¥The XLSX global will be visible to other content scripts.


¥Background Scripts

在 Manifest V2 扩展中,如果将独立脚本添加为后台脚本,其他后台脚本将能够访问 XLSX 全局!

¥In Manifest V2 extensions, if the standalone script is added as a background script, other background scripts will be able to access the XLSX global!

  /* in manifest.json v2 only! */
"background": {
"scripts": ["xlsx.full.min.js", "table.js"],
"persistent": false

在 Manifest V3 扩展中,后台服务工作者可以通过 importScripts 加载独立脚本:

¥In Manifest V3 extensions, background service workers can load the standalone script through importScripts:

/* assuming background script is in the same folder as xlsx.full.min.js */
// now XLSX will be available


¥Relevant Operations


¥The official documentation covers details including required permissions.


¥Generating Downloads

清单 V2

¥Manifest V2

writeFile 函数适用于 Chrome 或 Chromium 扩展程序:

¥The writeFile function works in a Chrome or Chromium extension:

XLSX.writeFile(wb, "export.xlsx");

在底层,它使用 chrome.downloads API。"downloads" 权限应设置在 manifest.json 中。

¥Under the hood, it uses the chrome.downloads API. "downloads" permission should be set in manifest.json.

清单 V3

¥Manifest V3

在后台 Service Worker 中,URL.createObjectURL 不可用。相反,XLSX.write 可以为合成 URL 生成 Base64 字符串:

¥In a background service worker, URL.createObjectURL is unavailable. Instead, XLSX.write can generate a Base64 string for a synthetic URL:

/* generate Base64 string */
const b64 = XLSX.write(wb, {bookType: "xlsx", type: "base64"});{
/* make a base64 url manually */
url: `data:application/octet-stream;base64,${b64}`,
filename: `SheetJSTables.xlsx`


¥Content Script Table Scraping

table_to_booktable_to_sheet 可以帮助从 DOM 表构建工作簿:

¥table_to_book and table_to_sheet can help build workbooks from DOM tables:

var tables = document.getElementsByTagName("table");
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
for(var i = 0; i < tables.length; ++i) {
var ws = XLSX.utils.table_to_sheet(tables[i]);
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Table" + i);




¥The demo extension includes multiple features to demonstrate sample usage. Production extensions should include proper error handling.

  1. 下载所需清单版本的 zip:

    ¥Download the zip for the desired Manifest version:

  1. 在浏览器中打开 chrome://extensions/ 并启用开发者模式

    ¥Open chrome://extensions/ in the browser and enable Developer mode

  2. 将下载的 zip 文件拖放到窗口中。

    ¥Drag and drop the downloaded zip file into the window.


¥Bookmark Exporter

Testing (click to hide)
  1. 在浏览器中打开 并创建书签。

    ¥Open in the browser and create a bookmark.

  2. 单击扩展图标(地址栏右侧的拼图图标)并选择 "SheetJS 演示"。

    ¥Click the Extensions icon (puzzle icon to the right of the address bar) and select "SheetJS Demo".

  3. 如果未显示小弹出窗口,请单击 SheetJS 图标

    ¥If a small popup is not displayed, click on the SheetJS icon

  4. 单击 "导出书签",然后单击 "保存"。打开下载的文件!

    ¥Click "Export Bookmarks" and click "Save". Open the downloaded file!

chrome.bookmarks API 支持书签树遍历。扩展弹出窗口中的 "导出书签" 按钮递归地遍历书签树,将书签 URL 推送到数据数组中,然后导出到简单的电子表格中。

¥chrome.bookmarks API enables bookmark tree traversal. The "Export Bookmarks" button in the extension pop-up recursively walks the bookmark tree, pushes the bookmark URLs into a data array, and exports into a simple spreadsheet.

/* walk the bookmark tree */
function recurse_bookmarks(data, tree) {
if(tree.url) data.push({Name: tree.title, Location: tree.url});
(tree.children||[]).forEach(function(child) { recurse_bookmarks(data, child); });

/* get bookmark data */
chrome.bookmarks.getTree(function(res) {
/* load into an array */
var data = [];
res.forEach(function(t) { recurse_bookmarks(data, t); });

/* create worksheet */
var ws = XLSX.utils.json_to_sheet(data, { header: ['Name', 'Location'] });

/* create workbook and export */
var wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, 'Bookmarks');
XLSX.writeFile(wb, "bookmarks.xlsx");


¥Table Exporter

由于安全限制,V2 表导出在 Chrome 131 中不起作用!

¥Due to security restrictions, V2 table export does not work in Chrome 131!

Manifest V3 表导出器在 Chrome 131 中确实有效。

¥The Manifest V3 table exporter does work in Chrome 131.

Testing (click to hide)
  1. 在浏览器中打开

    ¥Open in the browser.

  2. 右键单击页面中的任意位置并选择 "SheetJS 演示" > "导出页面中的所有表格"

    ¥Right-click anywhere in the page and select "SheetJS Demo" > "Export All Tables in Page"

  3. 保存并打开下载的文件!

    ¥Save and open the downloaded file!


¥The background script configures a context menu with the option to export data. The flow diagrams show the data flow when the user chooses to export. They differ in the denouement

清单 V2

¥Manifest V2

对于 Manifest V2 扩展,XLSX.writeFile 就可以工作:

¥For Manifest V2 extensions, XLSX.writeFile just works:

清单 V3

¥Manifest V3

对于 Manifest V3 扩展,由于 URL.createObjectURL 在后台服务工作线程中不可用,因此创建了一个合成 URL:

¥For Manifest V3 extensions, since URL.createObjectURL is not available in background service workers, a synthetic URL is created:

[^1]: 有关详细信息,请参阅 create-chrome-ext

¥See the create-chrome-ext package for more details.