随着 JS 引擎的出现和服务器端平台的成功,从 JavaScript 代码构建独立的命令行工具成为可能。
¥With the availability of JS engines and the success of server-side platforms, it is possible to build standalone command-line tools from JavaScript code.
SheetJS 是一个用于从电子表格读取和写入数据的 JavaScript 库。
¥SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.
该演示涵盖了构建独立电子表格处理器的多种策略。最终目标是使用 SheetJS 库从任意电子表格文件生成 CSV 输出。生成的命令行工具将接受参数,解析指定的工作簿,并将 CSV 行打印到终端。
¥This demo covers a number of strategies for building standalone spreadsheet processors. The ultimate goal is to use SheetJS libraries to generate CSV output from arbitrary spreadsheet files. The generated command-line tool will accept an argument, parse the specified workbook, and print CSV rows to the terminal.
> xlsx-cli.exe pres.numbers
Bill Clinton,42
GeorgeW Bush,43
Barack Obama,44
Donald Trump,45
Joseph Biden,46
常见独立 CLI 工具的演示包含在单独的页面中:
¥Demos for common standalone CLI tools are included in separate pages:
- nexe - Prebuilt NodeJS packages
- pkg - Prebuilt NodeJS packages
- boxednode - NodeJS binaries with scripts, built from source
- NodeJS SEA - Single Executable Applications
- BunJS SEA - BunJS Single-file Executables
- Deno SEA - Deno Standalone Binaries
¥Platform Support
¥The following frameworks have been tested on the following platforms:
Windows for ARM 列中的星号 (✱) 标记生成 x64 二进制文件的测试。CLI 工具在 Windows 中集成的 x64 模拟器下运行。
¥Asterisks (✱) in the Windows for ARM column mark tests that generated x64 binaries. The CLI tools run under the x64 emulator integrated in Windows.
对于大多数常见的部署场景,可以安装服务器端平台,例如 NodeJS。
¥For most common deployment scenarios, it is possible to install a server-side platform such as NodeJS.
¥It is strongly recommended to use a dedicated platform when possible.
¥The standalone programs generated in this demo are useful when a dedicated server-side scripting platform cannot be installed on the target computer.
¥This demo has been organized by framework:
¥The exposition has been moved to the "V8" demo.
¥The exposition has been moved to a separate page.
¥The exposition has been moved to a separate page.
¥Dedicated Engines
以下 JS 引擎演示生成独立程序:
¥The following demos for JS engines produce standalone programs: