使用 V8 实现超快数据处理
V8 是一个用 C++ 编写的嵌入式 JavaScript 引擎。它为 Chromium 和 Chrome、NodeJS 和 Deno、Adobe UXP 和其他平台提供支持。
¥V8 is an embeddable JavaScript engine written in C++. It powers Chromium and Chrome, NodeJS and Deno, Adobe UXP and other platforms.
SheetJS 是一个用于从电子表格读取和写入数据的 JavaScript 库。
¥SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.
该演示使用 V8 和 SheetJS 来读取和写入电子表格。我们将探索如何在 V8 上下文中加载 SheetJS,并处理来自 C++ 和 Rust 程序的电子表格和结构化数据。
¥This demo uses V8 and SheetJS to read and write spreadsheets. We'll explore how to load SheetJS in a V8 context and process spreadsheets and structured data from C++ and Rust programs.
"完整示例" 创建了一个 C++ 命令行工具,用于读取电子表格文件和生成新工作簿。"绑定" 涵盖了其他编程语言的 V8 引擎绑定。
¥The "Complete Example" creates a C++ command-line tool for reading spreadsheet files and generating new workbooks. "Bindings" covers V8 engine bindings for other programming languages.
¥Integration Details
SheetJS 独立脚本 可以在 V8 上下文中进行解析和评估。
¥The SheetJS Standalone scripts can be parsed and evaluated in a V8 context.
¥This section describes a flow where the script is parsed and evaluated each time the program is run.
使用 V8 快照,可以在构建时解析和评估 SheetJS 库。这大大提高了程序启动时间。
¥Using V8 snapshots, SheetJS libraries can be parsed and evaluated at build time. This greatly improves program startup time.
"快照" 部分包含一个完整的示例。
¥The "Snapshots" section includes a complete example.
初始化 V8
¥Initialize V8
官方 V8 hello-world
¥The official V8 hello-world
example covers initialization and cleanup. For the
purposes of this demo, the key variables are noted below:
v8::Isolate* isolate = v8::Isolate::New(create_params);
v8::Local<v8::Context> context = v8::Context::New(isolate);
以下辅助函数将 C 字符串计算为 JS 代码:
¥The following helper function evaluates C strings as JS code:
v8::Local<v8::Value> eval_code(v8::Isolate *isolate, v8::Local<v8::Context> context, char* code, size_t sz = -1) {
v8::Local<v8::String> source = v8::String::NewFromUtf8(isolate, code, v8::NewStringType::kNormal, sz).ToLocalChecked();
v8::Local<v8::Script> script = v8::Script::Compile(context, source).ToLocalChecked();
return script->Run(context).ToLocalChecked();
加载 SheetJS 脚本
¥Load SheetJS Scripts
可以通过从文件系统读取脚本并在 V8 上下文中进行评估来加载主库:
¥The main library can be loaded by reading the scripts from the file system and evaluating in the V8 context:
/* simple wrapper to read the entire script file */
static char *read_file(const char *filename, size_t *sz) {
FILE *f = fopen(filename, "rb");
if(!f) return NULL;
long fsize; { fseek(f, 0, SEEK_END); fsize = ftell(f); fseek(f, 0, SEEK_SET); }
char *buf = (char *)malloc(fsize * sizeof(char));
*sz = fread((void *) buf, 1, fsize, f);
return buf;
// ...
size_t sz; char *file = read_file("xlsx.full.min.js", &sz);
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = eval_code(isolate, context, file, sz);
要确认库已加载,可以检查 XLSX.version
¥To confirm the library is loaded, XLSX.version
can be inspected:
/* get version string */
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = eval_code(isolate, context, "XLSX.version");
v8::String::Utf8Value vers(isolate, result);
printf("SheetJS library version %s\n", *vers);
¥Reading Files
V8 原生支持 ArrayBuffer
。假设 buf
是一个 C 字节数组,长度为 len
,以下代码将数据存储在全局 ArrayBuffer
¥V8 supports ArrayBuffer
natively. Assuming buf
is a C byte array, with
length len
, the following code stores the data in a global ArrayBuffer
/* load C char array and save to an ArrayBuffer */
std::unique_ptr<v8::BackingStore> back = v8::ArrayBuffer::NewBackingStore(isolate, len);
memcpy(back->Data(), buf, len);
v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> ab = v8::ArrayBuffer::New(isolate, std::move(back));
v8::Maybe<bool> res = context->Global()->Set(context, v8::String::NewFromUtf8Literal(isolate, "buf"), ab);
将原始数据拉入引擎后,SheetJS read
方法 [^1] 即可解析数据。建议将结果附加到全局变量:
¥Once the raw data is pulled into the engine, the SheetJS read
method[^1] can
parse the data. It is recommended to attach the result to a global variable:
/* parse with SheetJS */
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = eval_code(isolate, context, "globalThis.wb = XLSX.read(buf)");
是一个 SheetJS 工作簿对象,它将是 JS 环境中的一个变量,可以使用各种 SheetJS API 函数进行检查。
, a SheetJS workbook object[^2], will be a variable in the JS environment
that can be inspected using the various SheetJS API functions[^3].
¥Writing Files
SheetJS write
方法 [^4] 从工作簿对象生成文件字节。array
type[^5] 指示库生成 ArrayBuffer
¥The SheetJS write
method[^4] generates file bytes from workbook objects. The
type[^5] instructs the library to generate ArrayBuffer
/* write with SheetJS using type: "array" */
v8::Local<v8::Value> result = eval_code(isolate, context, "XLSX.write(wb, {type:'array', bookType:'xlsb'})");
¥The underlying memory from an ArrayBuffer
can be pulled from the engine:
/* pull result back to C++ */
v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> ab = v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer>::Cast(result);
size_t sz = ab->ByteLength();
char *buf = ab->Data();
生成的 buf
可以用 fwrite
¥The resulting buf
can be written to file with fwrite
¥Complete Example
¥This demo was tested in the following deployments:
V8 版本 | 平台 | 操作系统版本 | 编译器 | 日期 |
13.3.228 | darwin-x64 | macOS 15.1.1 | clang 16.0.0 | 2024-12-03 |
13.5.92 | darwin-arm | macOS 14.5 | clang 16.0.0 | 2025-02-15 |
12.7.130 | win11-x64 | 视窗 11 | CL 19.42.34435 | 2024-12-20 |
12.7.130 | linux-x64 | HoloOS 3.6.20 | gcc 13.2.1 | 2025-01-02 |
13.5.92 | linux-arm | Debian 12 | gcc 12.2.0 | 2025-02-15 |
该程序解析文件并打印第一个工作表中的 CSV 数据。它还生成 XLSB 文件并写入文件系统。
¥This program parses a file and prints CSV data from the first worksheet. It also generates an XLSB file and writes to the filesystem.
上次测试演示时,官方 V8 嵌入指南中存在错误。更正后的说明如下。
¥When the demo was last tested, there were errors in the official V8 embed guide. Corrected instructions are included below.
¥The build process is long and will test your patience.
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
cd /usr/local/lib
¥If this step throws a permission error, run the following commands:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/lib
按照官方 "Visual Studio" 安装步骤进行操作。
¥Follow the official "Visual Studio" installation steps.
使用安装程序工具,必须安装 "使用 C++ 进行桌面开发" 工作负载。在侧边栏中,验证以下组件是否已选中:
¥Using the installer tool, the "Desktop development with C++" workload must be installed. In the sidebar, verify the following components are checked:
“最新的 C++ ATL ...构建工具”(上次测试时为
)¥"C++ ATL for latest ... build tools" (
when last tested) -
“最新的 C++ MFC ...构建工具”(上次测试时为
)¥"C++ MFC for latest ... build tools" (
when last tested)
在 "单独的组件" 选项卡中,搜索 "Windows 11 SDK" 并验证是否选中了 "Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0)"。
¥In the "Individual components" tab, search for "Windows 11 SDK" and verify that "Windows 11 SDK (10.0.22621.0)" is checked.
即使存在较新的 SDK,也必须安装 Windows 11 SDK 10.0.22621.0!
¥Even though newer SDKs exist, Windows 11 SDK 10.0.22621.0 must be installed!
单击 "调整" 并让安装程序完成。
¥Click "Modify" and allow the installer to finish.
安装 SDK 后必须安装 SDK 调试工具。
¥The SDK debugging tools must be installed after the SDK is installed.
使用搜索栏搜索 "应用和功能"。如果 "应用和功能" 不可用,请搜索 "已安装的应用"。
¥Using the Search bar, search "Apps & features". If "Apps & features" is not available, search for "Installed apps".
当设置面板打开时,向下滚动到“Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.22621"并单击" 修改”。
¥When the setting panel opens, scroll down to "Windows Software Development Kit - Windows 10.0.22621" and click "Modify".
在新窗口中,选择 "改变" 并单击 "下一个"
¥In the new window, select "Change" and click "Next"
勾选 "Windows 调试工具" 并点击 "改变"
¥Check "Debugging Tools for Windows" and click "Change"
应更改以下 git
¥The following git
settings should be changed:
git config --global core.autocrlf false
git config --global core.filemode false
git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always
:¥Download and install
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
rm -rf depot_tools
git clone https://chromium.googlesource.com/chromium/tools/depot_tools.git
¥If this step throws a permission error, run the following commands and retry:
sudo mkdir -p /usr/local/lib
sudo chmod 777 /usr/local/lib
打包包 是一个 ZIP 文件,应下载并解压。
¥The bundle is a ZIP file that should be downloaded and extracted.
演示最后在 NTFS 格式的驱动器(安装在 C:\
上)上进行了测试。ZIP 已解压到 C:\src\depot_tools
¥The demo was last tested on a NTFS-formatted drive (mounted at C:\
). The ZIP
was extracted to C:\src\depot_tools
解压后,验证 depot_tools
¥After extracting, verify that the depot_tools
folder is not read-only.
环境变量的路径:¥Add the path to the
environment variable:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
export PATH="/usr/local/lib/depot_tools:$PATH"
此时,强烈建议将该行添加到 shell 启动脚本中,例如 .bashrc
或 .zshrc
¥At this point, it is strongly recommended to add the line to a shell startup
script such as .bashrc
or .zshrc
这些说明供 cmd
使用。不要在 PowerShell 中运行!
¥These instructions are for cmd
use. Do not run in PowerShell!
强烈建议使用 Visual Studio 中的 "x64 原生工具开发者命令提示符的 Node.js 版本",因为它准备控制台来运行构建工具。
¥It is strongly recommended to use "x64 Native Tools Developer Command Prompt" from Visual Studio as it prepares the console to run build tools.
set PATH=C:\src\depot_tools;%PATH%
此外,必须将 vs2022_install
变量设置为 Visual Studio 文件夹。例如,使用 "社区版",分配应该是
¥In addition, the vs2022_install
variable must be set to the Visual Studio
folder. For example, using the "Community Edition", the assignment should be
set vs2022_install="C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community"
¥These environment variables can be persisted in the Control Panel.
once to updatedepot_tools
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
可能会抛出与 git
may throw errors related to git
and permissions issues:
fatal: detected dubious ownership in repository at 'E:/depot_tools'
'E:/depot_tools' is on a file system that doesnot record ownership
To add an exception for this directory, call:
git config --global --add safe.directory E:/depot_tools
这些问题与 exFAT 文件系统有关。通过运行推荐的命令并重新运行 gclient
¥These issues are related to the exFAT file system. They were resolved by running
the recommended commands and re-running gclient
可能存在与 gitconfig
¥There may be errors pertaining to gitconfig
error: could not write config file E:/depot_tools/bootstrap-2@3_8_10_chromium_26_bin/git/etc/gitconfig: File exists
如果 depot_tools
文件夹是只读的,则可能会发生这种情况。解决方法是取消设置 depot_tools
¥This can happen if the depot_tools
folder is read-only. The workaround is to
unset the read-only flag for the depot_tools
克隆 V8
¥Clone V8
¥Create a base directory:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
mkdir -p ~/dev/v8
cd ~/dev/v8
fetch v8
cd v8
请注意,实际的存储库将放置在 ~/dev/v8/v8
¥Note that the actual repo will be placed in ~/dev/v8/v8
cd C:\
mkdir v8
cd v8
fetch v8
cd v8
在 exFAT 上,每个克隆的存储库都会引发相同的 git
¥On exFAT, every cloned repo elicited the same git
permissions error. fetch
will fail with a clear remedy message such as
git config --global --add safe.directory E:/v8/v8
运行命令,然后运行 gclient sync
¥Run the command then run gclient sync
, repeating each time the command fails.
偶尔会出现 git
¥There were occasional git
conflict errors:
v8/tools/clang (ERROR)
[0:00:01] Started.
error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please commit your changes or stash them before you switch branches.
error: could not detach HEAD
Error: 28> Unrecognized error, please merge or rebase manually.
28> cd E:\v8\v8\tools\clang && git rebase --onto 65ceb79efbc9d1dec9b1a0f4bc0b8d010b9d7a66 refs/remotes/origin/main
建议的修复方法是删除引用的文件夹并重新运行 gclient sync
¥The recommended fix is to delete the referenced folder and re-run gclient sync
:¥Checkout the desired version. The following command pulls
git checkout tags/13.5.92 -b sample
¥The official documentation recommends:
git checkout refs/tags/13.5.92 -b sample -t
¥This command failed in local testing:
E:\v8\v8>git checkout refs/tags/13.5.92 -b sample -t
fatal: cannot set up tracking information; starting point 'refs/tags/13.5.92' is not a branch
构建 V8
¥Build V8
¥Build the static library.
- Intel Mac
- ARM64 Mac
- Linux x64
- Linux ARM
- Windows
tools/dev/v8gen.py x64.release.sample
ninja -C out.gn/x64.release.sample v8_monolith
由于重大更改,这在较新的 Python 版本中不起作用!
¥This does not work in newer Python releases due to a breaking change!
Python 3.13 从标准库 [^9] 中删除了 pipes
将在较新的 Python 版本上失败,并出现以下回溯:
¥Python 3.13 removed the pipes
module from the standard library[^9]. v8gen.py
will fail on newer Python releases with the following traceback:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/tools/dev/v8gen.py", line 53, in <module>
import mb
File "/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/tools/mb/mb.py", line 21, in <module>
import pipes
ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pipes'
建议的解决方法是使用 Homebrew 安装并使用 Python 3.12:
¥The recommended workaround is to use Homebrew to install and use Python 3.12:
brew install python@3.12
export PATH="$(brew --prefix)/opt/python@3.12/libexec/bin:$PATH"
¥After applying the workaround, the build commands will run.
tools/dev/v8gen.py arm64.release.sample
ninja -C out.gn/arm64.release.sample v8_monolith
tools/dev/v8gen.py x64.release.sample
ninja -C out.gn/x64.release.sample v8_monolith
在一些使用 GCC 12 的 Linux x64 测试中,存在由警告引起的构建错误。错误消息包含标签 -Werror
¥In some Linux x64 tests using GCC 12, there were build errors that stemmed from
warnings. The error messages included the tag -Werror
../../src/compiler/turboshaft/wasm-gc-type-reducer.cc:212:18: error: 'back_insert_iterator' may not intend to support class template argument deduction [-Werror,-Wctad-maybe-unsupported]
212 | std::back_insert_iterator(snapshots), [this](Block* pred) {
| ^
../../build/linux/debian_bullseye_amd64-sysroot/usr/lib/gcc/x86_64-linux-gnu/10/../../../../include/c++/10/bits/stl_iterator.h:596:11: note: add a deduction guide to suppress this warning
596 | class back_insert_iterator
| ^
1 error generated.
通过手动编辑 out.gn/x64.release.sample/args.gn
.txt 解决了这个问题。选项 treat_warnings_as_errors
应设置为 false
¥This was resolved by manually editing out.gn/x64.release.sample/args.gn
. The
option treat_warnings_as_errors
should be set to false
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
tools/dev/v8gen.py arm64.release.sample
将以下行附加到 out.gn/arm64.release.sample/args.gn
¥Append the following lines to out.gn/arm64.release.sample/args.gn
is_clang = false
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
¥Run the build:
ninja -C out.gn/arm64.release.sample v8_monolith
在最近的测试中,构建失败,出现 ARM NEON 重新解释错误:
¥In the most recent test, the build failed with ARM NEON reinterpretation errors:
../../src/strings/string-hasher.cc: In static member function ‘static uint64_t v8::internal::ConvertTo8BitHashReader::Read64(const uint8_t*)’:
../../src/strings/string-hasher.cc:32:55: note: use ‘-flax-vector-conversions’ to permit conversions between vectors with differing element types or numbers of subparts
32 | return vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u8(vmovn_u16(x)), 0);
| ~~~~~~~~~^~~
../../src/strings/string-hasher.cc:32:56: error: cannot convert ‘int16x8_t’ to ‘uint16x8_t’
32 | return vget_lane_u64(vreinterpret_u64_u8(vmovn_u16(x)), 0);
| ^
| |
| int16x8_t
In file included from ../../src/utils/utils.h:50,
from ../../src/strings/string-hasher-inl.h:10,
from ../../src/strings/string-hasher.cc:8:
/usr/lib/gcc/aarch64-linux-gnu/12/include/arm_neon.h:7482:23: note: initializing argument 1 of ‘uint8x8_t vmovn_u16(uint16x8_t)’
7482 | vmovn_u16 (uint16x8_t __a)
| ~~~~~~~~~~~^~~
应手动抑制使用 ARM NEON 内在函数的代码路径。src/strings/string-hasher.cc
中有两个相关块。可以通过将 false &&
添加到 elif
¥Codepaths that use ARM NEON intrinsics should be manually suppressed. There are
two relevant blocks in src/strings/string-hasher.cc
. Blocks can be disabled by
adding false &&
to the elif
preprocessor directives:
#ifdef __SSE2__
__m128i x = _mm_loadu_si128(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(p));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si64(_mm_packus_epi16(x, x));
#elif false && defined(__ARM_NEON__)
int16x8_t x;
// ...
#ifdef __SSE2__
__m128i x = _mm_loadu_si64(reinterpret_cast<const __m128i*>(p));
return _mm_cvtsi128_si64(_mm_packus_epi16(x, x));
#elif false && defined(__ARM_NEON__)
int8x8_t x;
¥In previous test runs, an assertion failed:
../../src/base/small-vector.h: In instantiation of ‘class v8::base::SmallVector<std::pair<const v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft::PhiOp*, const v8::internal::compiler::turboshaft::OpIndex>, 16>’:
../../src/compiler/turboshaft/loop-unrolling-reducer.h:577:11: required from here
../../src/base/macros.h:215:55: error: static assertion failed: T should be trivially copyable
215 | static_assert(::v8::base::is_trivially_copyable<T>::value, \
| ^~~~~
../../src/base/small-vector.h:25:3: note: in expansion of macro ‘ASSERT_TRIVIALLY_COPYABLE’
| ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
¥The build passed after disabling the assertions:
class SmallVector {
// Currently only support trivially copyable and trivially destructible data
// types, as it uses memcpy to copy elements and never calls destructors.
static constexpr size_t kInlineSize = kSize;
python3 tools\dev\v8gen.py -vv x64.release.sample
ninja -C out.gn\x64.release.sample v8_monolith
在本地测试中,构建有时会失败并出现 dbghelp.dll
¥In local testing, the build sometimes failed with a dbghelp.dll
Exception: dbghelp.dll not found in "C:\Program Files (x86)\Windows Kits\10\Debuggers\x64\dbghelp.dll"
此问题已通过按照步骤 0 中所述从控制面板删除并重新安装 "Windows 调试工具" 得到解决。
¥This issue was fixed by removing and reinstalling "Debugging Tools for Windows" from the Control Panel as described in step 0.
构建失败并出现 C++ 弃用错误:
¥In local testing, the ninja
build failed with C++ deprecation errors:
../..\src/wasm/wasm-code-manager.h(670,28): error: 'atomic_load<v8::base::OwnedVector<const unsigned char>>' is deprecated: warning STL4029: std::atomic_*() overloads for shared_ptr are deprecated in C++20. The shared_ptr specialization of std::atomic provides superior functionality. You can define _SILENCE_CXX20_OLD_SHARED_PTR_ATOMIC_SUPPORT_DEPRECATION_WARNING or _SILENCE_ALL_CXX20_DEPRECATION_WARNINGS to suppress this warning. [-Werror,-Wdeprecated-declarations]
670 | auto wire_bytes = std::atomic_load(&wire_bytes_);
| ^
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.37.32822\include\memory(3794,1): note: 'atomic_load<v8::base::OwnedVector<const unsigned char>>' has been explicitly marked deprecated here
| ^
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\2022\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.37.32822\include\yvals_core.h(1317,7): note: expanded from macro '_CXX20_DEPRECATE_OLD_SHARED_PTR_ATOMIC_SUPPORT'
1317 | [[deprecated("warning STL4029: " \
| ^
2 errors generated.
解决方法是将一行附加到 out.gn\x64.release.sample\args.gn
¥The workaround is to append a line to out.gn\x64.release.sample\args.gn
treat_warnings_as_errors = false
添加该行后,再次运行 ninja
¥After adding the line, run the ninja
command again:
ninja -C out.gn\x64.release.sample v8_monolith
编译并运行:¥Ensure the sample
compiles and runs:
- Intel Mac
- ARM64 Mac
- Linux x64
- Linux ARM
- Windows
g++ -I. -Iinclude samples/hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-ldl -Lout.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/ -pthread \
在较旧的 V8 版本中,需要标志 -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform
¥In older V8 versions, the flags -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform
were required.
在 V8 版本 12.4.253
中链接到 libv8_libbase
或 libv8_libplatform
¥Linking against libv8_libbase
or libv8_libplatform
in V8 version 12.4.253
elicited linker errors:
ld: multiple errors: unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libplatform.a'; unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libbase.a'
g++ -I. -Iinclude samples/hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-ldl -Lout.gn/arm64.release.sample/obj/ -pthread \
-std=c++20 -DV8_COMPRESS_POINTERS=1 -DV8_ENABLE_SANDBOX -framework Foundation
在较旧的 V8 版本中,需要标志 -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform
¥In older V8 versions, the flags -lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform
were required.
在 V8 版本 12.4.253
中链接到 libv8_libbase
或 libv8_libplatform
¥Linking against libv8_libbase
or libv8_libplatform
in V8 version 12.4.253
elicited linker errors:
ld: multiple errors: unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libplatform.a'; unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libbase.a'
g++ -I. -Iinclude samples/hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -ldl -Lout.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/ -pthread \
g++ -I. -Iinclude samples/hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -ldl -Lout.gn/arm64.release.sample/obj/ -pthread \
cl /I. /Iinclude samples/hello-world.cc /GR- v8_monolith.lib Advapi32.lib Winmm.lib Dbghelp.lib /std:c++17 /DV8_COMPRESS_POINTERS=1 /DV8_ENABLE_SANDBOX /link /out:hello_world.exe /LIBPATH:out.gn\x64.release.sample\obj\
¥Prepare Project
¥Make a new project folder:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
cd ~/dev
mkdir -p sheetjs-v8
cd sheetjs-v8
cd C:\
mkdir sheetjs-v8
cd sheetjs-v8
¥Copy the sample source:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
cp ~/dev/v8/v8/samples/hello-world.cc .
库文件夹的符号链接:¥Create symbolic links to the
headers andobj
library folders:
- Intel Mac
- ARM64 Mac
- Linux x64
- Linux ARM
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/include
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/include
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/arm64.release.sample/obj
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/include
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/include
ln -s ~/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/arm64.release.sample/obj
copy C:\v8\v8\samples\hello-world.cc .\
请注意 exFAT 不支持符号链接并继续执行步骤 11。
¥Observe that exFAT does not support symbolic links and move on to step 11.
示例:¥Build and run the
example from this folder:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
g++ -I. -Iinclude hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -ldl -Lobj/ -pthread -std=c++20 \
在某些 V8 版本中,该命令在链接器阶段失败:
¥In some V8 versions, the command failed in the linker stage:
ld: multiple errors: unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libplatform.a'; unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libbase.a'
删除 libv8_libbase
和 libv8_libplatform
¥The build succeeds after removing libv8_libbase
and libv8_libplatform
g++ -I. -Iinclude hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-ldl -Lobj/ -pthread -std=c++20 \
在 macOS 上,在某些 V8 版本中,需要 Foundation
¥On macOS, in some V8 versions, the Foundation
framework is required:
g++ -I. -Iinclude hello-world.cc -o hello_world -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-ldl -Lobj/ -pthread -std=c++20 \
cl /MT /I..\v8\v8\ /I..\v8\v8\include hello-world.cc /GR- v8_monolith.lib Advapi32.lib Winmm.lib Dbghelp.lib /std:c++17 /DV8_COMPRESS_POINTERS=1 /DV8_ENABLE_SANDBOX /link /out:hello_world.exe /LIBPATH:..\v8\v8\out.gn\x64.release.sample\obj\
添加 SheetJS
¥Add SheetJS
下载 SheetJS 独立脚本和测试文件。将这两个文件保存在项目目录中:
¥Download the SheetJS Standalone script and test file. Save both files in the project directory:
curl -LO https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/v8/sheetjs.v8.cc
二进制文件¥Compile standalone
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
g++ -I. -Iinclude sheetjs.v8.cc -o sheetjs.v8 -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-lv8_libbase -lv8_libplatform -ldl -Lobj/ -pthread -std=c++20 \
在某些 V8 版本中,该命令在链接器阶段失败:
¥In some V8 versions, the command failed in the linker stage:
ld: multiple errors: unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libplatform.a'; unknown file type in '/Users/sheetjs/dev/v8/v8/out.gn/x64.release.sample/obj/libv8_libbase.a'
删除 libv8_libbase
和 libv8_libplatform
¥The build succeeds after removing libv8_libbase
and libv8_libplatform
g++ -I. -Iinclude sheetjs.v8.cc -o sheetjs.v8 -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-ldl -Lobj/ -pthread -std=c++20 \
在 macOS 上,在某些 V8 版本中,需要 Foundation
¥On macOS, in some V8 versions, the Foundation
framework is required:
g++ -I. -Iinclude sheetjs.v8.cc -o sheetjs.v8 -fno-rtti -lv8_monolith \
-ldl -Lobj/ -pthread -std=c++20 \
cl /MT /I..\v8\v8\ /I..\v8\v8\include sheetjs.v8.cc /GR- v8_monolith.lib Advapi32.lib Winmm.lib Dbghelp.lib /std:c++17 /DV8_COMPRESS_POINTERS=1 /DV8_ENABLE_SANDBOX /link /out:sheetjs.v8.exe /LIBPATH:..\v8\v8\out.gn\x64.release.sample\obj\
¥Run the demo:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
./sheetjs.v8 pres.numbers
.\sheetjs.v8.exe pres.numbers
如果程序成功,CSV 内容将打印到控制台并创建文件 sheetjsw.xlsb
。该文件可以用 Excel 打开。
¥If the program succeeded, the CSV contents will be printed to console and the
file sheetjsw.xlsb
will be created. That file can be opened with Excel.
许多语言都存在绑定。由于这些绑定需要 "native" 代码,因此它们可能无法在每个平台上工作。
¥Bindings exist for many languages. As these bindings require "native" code, they may not work on every platform.
crate[^6] 提供二进制构建和直接绑定。Rust 代码与 C++ 代码类似。
¥The v8
crate[^6] provides binary builds and straightforward bindings. The Rust
code is similar to the C++ code.
将数据从 ArrayBuffer
拉回 Rust 涉及不安全的操作:
¥Pulling data from an ArrayBuffer
back into Rust involves an unsafe operation:
/* assuming JS code returns an ArrayBuffer, copy result to a Vec<u8> */
fn eval_code_ab(scope: &mut v8::HandleScope, code: &str) -> Vec<u8> {
let source = v8::String::new(scope, code).unwrap();
let script = v8::Script::compile(scope, source, None).unwrap();
let result: v8::Local<v8::ArrayBuffer> = script.run(scope).unwrap().try_into().unwrap();
/* In C++, `Data` returns a pointer. Collecting data into Vec<u8> is unsafe */
unsafe { return std::slice::from_raw_parts_mut(
).to_vec(); }
¥This demo was last tested in the following deployments:
架构 | V8 箱子 | 日期 |
darwin-x64 | 130.0.7 | 2025-01-19 |
darwin-arm | 134.3.0 | 2025-02-13 |
win11-x64 | 130.0.2 | 2024-12-20 |
linux-x64 | 130.0.7 | 2025-01-09 |
linux-arm | 134.4.0 | 2025-02-15 |
¥Create a new project:
cargo new sheetjs-rustyv8
cd sheetjs-rustyv8
cargo run
箱子:¥Add the
cargo add v8
cargo run
下载 SheetJS 独立脚本和测试文件。将这两个文件保存在项目目录中:
¥Download the SheetJS Standalone script and test file. Save both files in the project directory:
curl -LO https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers
curl -L -o src/main.rs https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/v8/main.rs
版本中存在影响 v8::Context::new
的重大更改。当针对旧版本的 crate 时,删除第二个参数:
¥There was a breaking change in version 0.102.0
affecting v8::Context::new
When targeting older versions of the crate, remove the second argument:
let context = v8::Context::new(handle_scope); // v8 <= 0.101.0
//let context = v8::Context::new(handle_scope, Default::default()); // v8 >= 0.102.0
¥Build and run the app:
cargo run pres.numbers
如果程序成功,CSV 内容将打印到控制台并创建文件 sheetjsw.xlsb
。该文件可以用 Excel 打开。
¥If the program succeeded, the CSV contents will be printed to console and the
file sheetjsw.xlsb
will be created. That file can be opened with Excel.
Javet 是与 V8 引擎的 Java 绑定。Javet 简化了 Java 数据结构和 V8 等效结构之间的转换。
¥Javet is a Java binding to the V8 engine. Javet simplifies conversions between Java data structures and V8 equivalents.
Java 字节数组(byte[]
)在 V8 中投影为 Int8Array
。SheetJS read
方法需要 Uint8Array
¥Java byte arrays (byte[]
) are projected in V8 as Int8Array
. The SheetJS
method expects a Uint8Array
. The following script snippet performs a
zero-copy conversion:
// assuming `i8` is an Int8Array
const u8 = new Uint8Array(i8.buffer, i8.byteOffset, i8.length);
¥This demo was last tested in the following deployments:
架构 | V8 版本 | Javet | Java | 日期 |
darwin-x64 | | 4.1.1 | 22 | 2025-01-19 |
darwin-arm | | 3.1.3 | 11.0.23 | 2024-06-19 |
win11-x64 | | 3.1.3 | 21.0.5 | 2024-12-20 |
linux-x64 | | 3.1.3 | 17.0.7 | 2024-06-20 |
linux-arm | | 4.1.1 | 17.0.14 | 2025-02-16 |
¥Create a new project:
mkdir sheetjs-javet
cd sheetjs-javet
下载 Javet JAR。不同平台有不同的存档。
¥Download the Javet JAR. There are different archives for different platforms.
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
- Intel Mac
- ARM64 Mac
- Linux x64
- Linux ARM
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet/4.1.1/javet-4.1.1.jar
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet-v8-macos-x86_64/4.1.1/javet-v8-macos-x86_64-4.1.1.jar
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet-macos/3.1.3/javet-macos-3.1.3.jar
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet/3.1.3/javet-3.1.3.jar
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet/4.1.1/javet-4.1.1.jar
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet-v8-linux-arm64/4.1.1/javet-v8-linux-arm64-4.1.1.jar
curl -LO https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/caoccao/javet/javet/3.1.3/javet-3.1.3.jar
下载 SheetJS 独立脚本和测试文件。将这两个文件保存在项目目录中:
¥Download the SheetJS Standalone script and test file. Save both files in the project directory:
curl -LO https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/v8/SheetJSJavet.java
构建并运行 Java 应用:
¥Build and run the Java application:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
- Intel Mac
- ARM64 Mac
- Linux x64
- Linux ARM
javac -cp ".:javet-4.1.1.jar:javet-v8-macos-x86_64-4.1.1.jar" SheetJSJavet.java
java -cp ".:javet-4.1.1.jar:javet-v8-macos-x86_64-4.1.1.jar" SheetJSJavet pres.xlsx
javac -cp ".:javet-macos-3.1.3.jar" SheetJSJavet.java
java -cp ".:javet-macos-3.1.3.jar" SheetJSJavet pres.xlsx
javac -cp ".:javet-3.1.3.jar" SheetJSJavet.java
java -cp ".:javet-3.1.3.jar" SheetJSJavet pres.xlsx
javac -cp ".:javet-4.1.1.jar:javet-v8-linux-arm64-4.1.1.jar" SheetJSJavet.java
java -cp ".:javet-4.1.1.jar:javet-v8-linux-arm64-4.1.1.jar" SheetJSJavet pres.xlsx
javac -cp ".;javet-3.1.3.jar" SheetJSJavet.java
java -cp ".;javet-3.1.3.jar" SheetJSJavet pres.xlsx
如果程序成功,CSV 内容将打印到控制台。
¥If the program succeeded, the CSV contents will be printed to console.
ClearScript 是 V8 引擎的 .NET 接口。
¥ClearScript is a .NET interface to the V8 engine.
C# 字节数组 (byte[]
) 必须明确转换为字节数组:
¥C# byte arrays (byte[]
) must be explicitly converted to arrays of bytes:
/* read data into a byte array */
byte[] filedata = File.ReadAllBytes("pres.numbers");
/* generate a JS Array (variable name `buf`) from the data */
engine.Script.buf = engine.Script.Array.from(filedata);
/* parse data */
engine.Evaluate("var wb = XLSX.read(buf, {type: 'array'});");
¥This demo was last tested in the following deployments:
架构 | V8 版本 | 日期 |
darwin-x64 | | 2024-07-16 |
darwin-arm | | 2024-07-16 |
win11-x64 | | 2024-12-20 |
win11-arm | | 2025-02-23 |
linux-x64 | | 2025-01-10 |
linux-arm | | 2025-02-16 |
。¥Set the
environment variable to1
How to disable telemetry (click to hide)
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
将以下行添加到 .profile
和 .zshrc
¥Add the following line to .profile
, .bashrc
and .zshrc
¥Close and restart the Terminal to load the changes.
在搜索栏中输入 env
,然后选择 "编辑系统环境变量"。
¥Type env
in the search bar and select "Edit the system environment variables".
在新窗口中,单击 "环境变量..." 按钮。
¥In the new window, click the "Environment Variables..." button.
在新窗口中,查找 "系统变量" 部分并单击 "新的..."
¥In the new window, look for the "System variables" section and click "New..."
,并将值设置为 1
¥Set the "Variable name" to DOTNET_CLI_TELEMETRY_OPTOUT
and the value to 1
在每个窗口(3 个窗口)中单击 "OK",然后重新启动计算机。
¥Click "OK" in each window (3 windows) and restart your computer.
¥Install .NET
Installation Notes (click to show)
For macOS x64 and ARM64, install the dotnet-sdk
Cask with Homebrew:
brew install --cask dotnet-sdk
For Steam Deck Holo and other Arch Linux x64 distributions, the dotnet-sdk
packages should be installed using pacman
sudo pacman -Syu dotnet-sdk dotnet-runtime
https://dotnet.microsoft.com/en-us/download/dotnet/6.0 is the official source for Windows and ARM64 Linux versions.
在 macOS 中打开新的终端窗口或在 Windows 中打开 PowerShell 窗口。
¥Open a new Terminal window in macOS or PowerShell window in Windows.
¥Create a new project:
mkdir SheetJSClearScript
cd SheetJSClearScript
dotnet new console
dotnet run
将 ClearScript 添加到项目中:
¥Add ClearScript to the project:
dotnet add package Microsoft.ClearScript.Complete --version 7.4.5
下载 SheetJS 独立脚本和测试文件。将这两个文件移动到项目目录:
¥Download the SheetJS standalone script and test file. Move both files to the project directory:
curl -LO https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx
with the following:
using Microsoft.ClearScript.JavaScript;
using Microsoft.ClearScript.V8;
/* initialize ClearScript */
var engine = new V8ScriptEngine();
/* Load SheetJS Scripts */
Console.WriteLine("SheetJS version {0}", engine.Evaluate("XLSX.version"));
/* Read and Parse File */
byte[] filedata = File.ReadAllBytes(args[0]);
engine.Script.buf = engine.Script.Array.from(filedata);
engine.Evaluate("var wb = XLSX.read(buf, {type: 'array'});");
/* Print CSV of first worksheet */
engine.Evaluate("var ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];");
var csv = engine.Evaluate("XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws)");
/* Generate XLSB file and save to SheetJSJint.xlsb */
var xlsb = (ITypedArray<byte>)engine.Evaluate("XLSX.write(wb, {bookType: 'xlsb', type: 'buffer'})");
File.WriteAllBytes("SheetJSClearScript.xlsb", xlsb.ToArray());
¥After saving, run the program and pass the test file name as an argument:
dotnet run pres.xlsx
如果成功,程序会将第一张表的内容打印为 CSV 行。它还将创建 SheetJSClearScript.xlsb
¥If successful, the program will print the contents of the first sheet as CSV
rows. It will also create SheetJSClearScript.xlsb
, a workbook that can be
opened in a spreadsheet editor.
是 V8 的 Python 封装器。
is a Python wrapper for V8.
包 [^7] 是一个积极维护的带有二进制轮子的分支。
¥The stpyv8
package[^7] is an actively-maintained fork with binary wheels.
上次测试此演示时,Python bytes
和 JavaScript ArrayBuffer
¥When this demo was last tested, there was no direct conversion between Python
and JavaScript ArrayBuffer
这是一个已知问题 [^8]。当前建议使用 Base64 字符串。
¥This is a known issue[^8]. The current recommendation is Base64 strings.
Python Base64 字符串
¥Python Base64 Strings
SheetJS read
[^1] 和 write
[^4] 方法通过 base64
类型 [^5] 支持 Base64 字符串。
¥The SheetJS read
[^1] and write
[^4] methods support Base64 strings through
the base64
¥Reading Files
建议使用特殊方法创建全局上下文,该方法处理从 Python 读取文件。以下代码片段中的 read_file
助手将从 sheetjs.xlsx
读取字节并生成 Base64 字符串:
¥It is recommended to create a global context with a special method that handles
file reading from Python. The read_file
helper in the following snippet will
read bytes from sheetjs.xlsx
and generate a Base64 string:
from base64 import b64encode;
from STPyV8 import JSContext, JSClass;
# Create context with methods for file i/o
class Base64Context(JSClass):
def read_file(self, path):
with open(path, "rb") as f:
data = f.read();
return b64encode(data).decode("ascii");
globals = Base64Context();
# The JSContext starts and cleans up the V8 engine
with JSContext(globals) as ctxt:
print(ctxt.eval("read_file('sheetjs.xlsx')")); # read base64 data and print
¥Writing Files
由于 SheetJS write
方法返回 Base64 字符串,因此可以从 Python 解码结果并将其写入文件:
¥Since the SheetJS write
method returns a Base64 string, the result can be
decoded and written to file from Python:
from base64 import b64decode;
from STPyV8 import JSContext;
# The JSContext starts and cleans up the V8 engine
with JSContext() as ctxt:
# ... initialization and workbook creation ...
xlsb = ctxt.eval("XLSX.write(wb, {type: 'base64', bookType: 'xlsb'})");
with open("SheetJSSTPyV8.xlsb", "wb") as f:
Python 演示
¥Python Demo
¥This demo was last tested in the following deployments:
架构 | V8 版本 | Python | 日期 |
darwin-arm | | 3.13.0 | 2024-10-20 |
¥Make a new folder for the project:
mkdir sheetjs-stpyv8
cd sheetjs-stpyv8
pip install stpyv8
安装可能会因 externally-managed-environment
¥The install may fail with a externally-managed-environment
error: externally-managed-environment
× This environment is externally managed
可以下载并强制安装 wheel。以下命令在 darwin-arm
上为 Python 3.13
¥The wheel can be downloaded and forcefully installed. The following commands
download and install version
for Python 3.13
on darwin-arm
curl -LO https://github.com/cloudflare/stpyv8/releases/download/v13.0.245.16/stpyv8-
sudo python -m pip install --upgrade stpyv8- --break-system-packages
下载 SheetJS 独立脚本和测试文件。将这两个文件移动到项目目录:
¥Download the SheetJS standalone script and test file. Move both files to the project directory:
curl -LO https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/v8/sheetjs-stpyv8.py
作为第一个参数:¥Run the script and pass
as the first argument:
python sheetjs-stpyv8.py pres.xlsx
脚本将显示第一个工作表中的 CSV 行。它还将创建 SheetJSSTPyV8.xlsb
¥The script will display CSV rows from the first worksheet. It will also create
, a workbook that can be opened with a spreadsheet editor.
从高层次来看,V8 快照是 V8 引擎状态的原始转储。程序加载快照比评估代码效率高得多。
¥At a high level, V8 snapshots are raw dumps of the V8 engine state. It is much more efficient for programs to load snapshots than to evaluate code.
¥Snapshot Demo
¥There are two parts to this demo:
A) snapshot
命令使用 SheetJS 独立脚本 和 补充 NUMBERS 脚本 创建快照。它将把快照转储到 snapshot.bin
¥A) The snapshot
command creates a snapshot with
the SheetJS standalone script
and supplementary NUMBERS script. It
will dump the snapshot to snapshot.bin
B) sheet2csv
工具嵌入 snapshot.bin
。该工具将解析指定的文件,打印命名工作表的 CSV 内容,并将工作簿导出到 NUMBERS。
¥B) The sheet2csv
tool embeds snapshot.bin
The tool will parse a specified file, print CSV contents of a named worksheet,
and export the workbook to NUMBERS.
¥This demo was last tested in the following deployments:
架构 | V8 版本 | 箱 | 日期 |
darwin-x64 | | 130.0.7 | 2025-01-19 |
darwin-arm | | 0.92.0 | 2024-12-20 |
win11-x64 | | 0.92.0 | 2024-12-20 |
linux-x64 | | 0.92.0 | 2025-01-02 |
linux-arm | | 134.4.0 | 2025-02-15 |
¥Make a new folder for the project:
mkdir sheetjs2csv
cd sheetjs2csv
¥Download the following scripts:
curl -o Cargo.toml https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/cli/Cargo.toml
curl -o snapshot.rs https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/cli/snapshot.rs
curl -o sheet2csv.rs https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/cli/sheet2csv.rs
下载 SheetJS 独立脚本和 NUMBERS 补充脚本。将两个脚本移动到项目目录:
¥Download the SheetJS Standalone script and NUMBERS supplementary script. Move both scripts to the project directory:
curl -o xlsx.full.min.js https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.full.min.js
curl -o xlsx.zahl.js https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/package/dist/xlsx.zahl.js
构建 V8 快照:
¥Build the V8 snapshot:
cargo build --bin snapshot
cargo run --bin snapshot
在一些测试中,Linux AArch64 构建失败并出现错误:
¥In some tests, the Linux AArch64 build failed with an error:
error[E0080]: evaluation of constant value failed
1715 | assert!(size_of::<TypeId>() == size_of::<u64>());
| ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ the evaluated program panicked at 'assertion failed: size_of::<TypeId>() == size_of::<u64>()'
已知版本 0.75.1
和 0.92.0
¥Versions 0.75.1
, 0.82.0
, and 0.92.0
are known to work.
(Windows 中的sheet2csv.exe
in Windows):
cargo build --release --bin sheet2csv
下载测试文件 https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers:
¥Download the test file https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers:
curl -o pres.numbers https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers
¥Test the application:
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
mv target/release/sheet2csv .
./sheet2csv pres.numbers
mv target/release/sheet2csv.exe .
.\sheet2csv.exe pres.numbers
[^1]: 见 read
于 "读取文件"
[^2]: 有关对象表示的更多详细信息,请参阅 "SheetJS 数据模型"。
¥See "SheetJS Data Model" for more details on the object representation.
[^3]: 有关库附带的函数列表,请参阅 "API 参考"。"电子表格特性" 涵盖可以直接修改的工作簿和工作表功能。
¥See "API Reference" for a list of functions that ship with the library. "Spreadsheet Features" covers workbook and worksheet features that can be modified directly.
[^4]: 见 write
于 "写入文件"
[^5]: 见 "写入文件" 中的 "支持的输出格式" 类型
¥See "Supported Output Formats" type in "Writing Files"
[^6]: 该项目没有官方网站。官方 Rust 板条箱 托管在 crates.io
¥The project does not have an official website. The official Rust crate is hosted on crates.io
[^7]: 该项目没有单独的网站。源存储库托管在 GitHub 上
¥The project does not have a separate website. The source repository is hosted on GitHub
[^8]: 据维护者称,原始 pyv8
¥According to a maintainer, typed arrays were not supported in the original pyv8
[^9]: pipes
和其他模块已作为 "PEP 594" 的一部分从 Python 3.13 的标准库中删除。
and other modules were removed from the standard library in Python 3.13 as part of "PEP 594".