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BunJS 是一个 JavaScript 运行时,支持将脚本编译成独立的可执行文件。

¥BunJS is a JavaScript runtime with support for compiling scripts into self-contained executables.

SheetJS 是一个用于从电子表格读取和写入数据的 JavaScript 库。

¥SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.

此演示使用 Bun 编译器和 SheetJS 创建独立的 CLI 工具,用于解析电子表格并生成 CSV 行。

¥This demo uses the Bun compiler and SheetJS to create a standalone CLI tool for parsing spreadsheets and generating CSV rows.

强烈建议在命令行工具中使用 SheetJS 库的系统上安装 BunJS。仅当认为需要独立的二进制文件时才应考虑此解决方法。

¥It is strongly recommended to install BunJS on systems using SheetJS libraries in command-line tools. This workaround should only be considered if a standalone binary is considered desirable.

BunJS 支持被认为是实验性的。

优秀的开源软件会随着用户测试和报告而不断成长。任何问题都应报告给 BunJS 项目以进行进一步诊断。

¥Great open source software grows with user tests and reports. Any issues should be reported to the BunJS project for further diagnosis.


¥Integration Details

SheetJS BunJS 模块 可以从 BunJS 脚本导入。

¥The SheetJS BunJS module can be imported from BunJS scripts.

bun build --compile 生成一个独立的可执行文件,其中包括 BunJS 运行时、用户 JS 代码以及支持脚本和资源

¥bun build --compile generates a standalone executable that includes the BunJS runtime, user JS code and supporting scripts and assets


¥Script Requirements

专门使用 SheetJS 库和 BunJS 内置模块的脚本可以使用 BunJS 进行打包。应直接要求模块:

¥Scripts that exclusively use SheetJS libraries and BunJS built-in modules can be bundled using BunJS. The module should be required directly:

const XLSX = require("xlsx");

例如,以下脚本接受一个命令行参数,使用 SheetJS readFile 方法 [^1] 解析指定文件,使用 sheet_to_csv[^2] 从第一个工作表生成 CSV 文本,然后打印到终端:

¥For example, the following script accepts one command line argument, parses the specified file using the SheetJS readFile method[^1], generates CSV text from the first worksheet using sheet_to_csv[^2], and prints to terminal:

const XLSX = require("xlsx");

/* process.argv[2] is the first argument to the script */
const filename = process.argv[2];

/* read file */
const wb = XLSX.readFile(filename);

/* generate CSV of first sheet */
const ws = wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]];
const csv = XLSX.utils.sheet_to_csv(ws);

/* print to terminal */


¥Complete Example



¥This demo was last tested in the following deployments:


ARM 上的 Windows 上的 BunJS 使用 X64 兼容层。它不会生成原生 ARM64 二进制文件!

¥BunJS on Windows on ARM uses the X64 compatibility layer. It does not generate a native ARM64 binary!

  1. 安装或更新 BunJS.[^3]

    ¥Install or update BunJS.[^3]

  2. 下载测试文件

    ¥Download the test file

curl -o pres.numbers
  1. sheet2csv.ts 代码块的内容sheet2csv.ts 保存在项目文件夹中。

    ¥Save the contents of the sheet2csv.ts code block to sheet2csv.ts in the project folder.

  2. 安装 SheetJS 依赖:

    ¥Install the SheetJS dependency:

bun install


¥In some test runs, the command failed with a module resolution error:

error: failed to resolve

解决方法是将 xlsx@ 添加到 URL 前面:

¥The workaround is to prepend xlsx@ to the URL:

bun install xlsx@
  1. 使用 bun run 测试脚本:

    ¥Test the script with bun run:

bun run sheet2csv.ts pres.numbers

该脚本应显示第一张工作表中的 CSV 内容:

¥The script should display CSV contents from the first sheet:

Expected Output
Bill Clinton,42
GeorgeW Bush,43
Barack Obama,44
Donald Trump,45
Joseph Biden,46
  1. 编译并运行 sheet2csv

    ¥Compile and run sheet2csv:

bun build ./sheet2csv.ts --compile --outfile sheet2csv
./sheet2csv pres.numbers

该程序应显示与脚本相同的 CSV 内容(来自步骤 2)

¥The program should display the same CSV contents as the script (from step 2)

[^1]: 见 readFile 于 "读取文件"

¥See readFile in "Reading Files"

[^2]: 见 sheet_to_csv 于 "CSV 和文本"

¥See sheet_to_csv in "CSV and Text"

[^3]: 有关说明,请参阅 BunJS 文档中的 "安装"

¥See "Installation" in the BunJS documentation for instructions.