每个独立发行包均在 https://cdn.sheetjs.com/ 上提供。NodeJS 包旨在与框架和打包器一起使用。它是一个合适的 ECMAScript 模块版本,可以使用开发者工具进行优化。
¥Each standalone release package is available at https://cdn.sheetjs.com/. The NodeJS package is designed to be used with frameworks and bundlers. It is a proper ECMAScript Module release which can be optimized with developer tools.
https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz is the URL for version 0.20.3
可以使用包管理器直接安装 Tarball:
¥Tarballs can be directly installed using a package manager:
- npm
- pnpm
- Yarn
npm rm --save xlsx
npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
pnpm rm xlsx
pnpm install --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
yarn remove xlsx
yarn add https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
Yarn 的较新版本可能会引发错误:
¥Newer releases of Yarn may throw an error:
Usage Error: It seems you are trying to add a package using a https:... url; we now require package names to be explicitly specified.
Try running the command again with the package name prefixed: yarn add my-package@https:...
解决方法是将 xlsx@
添加到 URL 前面:
¥The workaround is to prepend the URL with xlsx@
yarn add xlsx@https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
安装后,可以以 xlsx
¥Once installed, the library can be imported under the name xlsx
import { read, writeFileXLSX } from "xlsx";
"打包器" 演示 包含完整的示例。
¥The "Bundlers" demo includes complete examples.
监视存储库 或订阅 RSS 订阅 以在新版本发布时收到通知!
¥Watch the repo or subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified when new versions are released!
Snyk 安全工具可能会报告涉及 "原型污染" 的错误:
¥Snyk security tooling may report errors involving "Prototype Pollution":
Prototype Pollution [Medium Severity][https://security.snyk.io/vuln/SNYK-JS-XLSX-5457926]
正如 斯尼克报告 中所述:
¥As noted in the Snyk report:
该问题已在 0.19.3 版本中解决
¥The issue is resolved in version 0.19.3
Snyk 错误地报告了漏洞。这是 Snyk 工具中的一个错误。
¥Snyk is falsely reporting vulnerabilities. It is a bug in the Snyk tooling.
在 Snyk 修复 bug 之前,官方推荐是 抑制警告。
¥Until Snyk fixes the bugs, the official recommendation is to suppress the warning.
¥Legacy Endpoints
从技术上讲,较旧的版本可以在公共 npm 注册表中作为 xlsx
获得,但该注册表已过时。该注册表的最新版本是 0.18.5
¥Older releases are technically available on the public npm registry as xlsx
but the registry is out of date. The latest version on that registry is 0.18.5
¥This is a known registry bug
SheetJS CDN https://cdn.sheetjs.com/ 是 SheetJS 模块的权威来源。
¥The SheetJS CDN https://cdn.sheetjs.com/ is the authoritative source for SheetJS modules.
¥For existing projects, the easiest approach is to uninstall and reinstall:
- npm
- pnpm
- Yarn
npm rm --save xlsx
npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
pnpm rm xlsx
pnpm install --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
yarn remove xlsx
yarn add https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
当 xlsx
中的 overrides
¥When the xlsx
library is a dependency of a dependency, the overrides
in package.json
can control module resolution:
"overrides": {
"xlsx": "https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz"
为了总体稳定性,强烈建议制作 SheetJS 模块 ("vendoring") 的本地副本。供应将项目与 SheetJS 基础设施解耦。
¥For general stability, making a local copy of SheetJS modules ("vendoring") is strongly recommended. Vendoring decouples projects from SheetJS infrastructure.
的项目的任何现有依赖:¥Remove any existing dependency on a project named
- npm
- pnpm
- Yarn
npm rm --save xlsx
pnpm rm xlsx
yarn remove xlsx
Download the tarball (
) for the desired version. The current version is available at https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
curl -O https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
子文件夹:¥Create a
subfolder at the root of your project:
mkdir -p vendor
将步骤 (1) 中的 tarball 移动到
文件夹:¥Move the tarball from step (1) to the
mv xlsx-0.20.3.tgz vendor
如果项目使用版本控制系统进行管理,请将 tarball 添加到源存储库。Git VCS 支持
子命令:¥If the project is managed with a version control system, add the tarball to the source repository. The Git VCS supports the
git add vendor/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
使用包管理器安装 tarball:
¥Install the tarball using a package manager:
- npm
- pnpm
- Yarn
npm i --save file:vendor/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
pnpm install --save file:vendor/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
yarn add file:vendor/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
Yarn 的较新版本可能会引发错误:
¥Newer releases of Yarn may throw an error:
Usage Error: The file:vendor/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz string didn't match the required format (package-name@range). Did you perhaps forget to explicitly reference the package name?
解决方法是将 xlsx@
添加到 URI 前面:
¥The workaround is to prepend the URI with xlsx@
yarn add xlsx@file:vendor/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
该软件包将作为 xlsx
¥The package will be installed and accessible as xlsx
¥With most frameworks and bundler tools, named imports are recommended:
import { read, utils } from 'xlsx';
一些旧版打包程序需要 glob 导入:
¥Some legacy bundlers require the glob import:
import * as XLSX from 'xlsx';
const { read, utils } = XLSX;
对于支持 CommonJS 的旧版打包器,require
¥For legacy bundlers that support CommonJS, require
will work:
var XLSX = require("xlsx");
var read = XLSX.read, utils = XLSX.utils;
"打包器" 演示 包含完整的示例。
¥The "Bundlers" demo includes complete examples.
¥Dynamic Imports
使用 import()
¥Dynamic imports with import()
will only download scripts when they are needed.
Dynamic import
¥Dynamic import
will always download the full contents of the imported scripts!
这是 ECMAScript 模块的设计缺陷
¥This is a design flaw in ECMAScript modules
强烈建议使用封装器脚本来导入和重新导出在特定函数或页面中使用的 SheetJS 库的部分:
¥It is strongly recommended to use a wrapper script that imports and re-exports the parts of the SheetJS library that are used in a specific function or page:
/* This wrapper pulls `writeFileXLSX` and `utils` from the SheetJS library */
import { utils, writeFileXLSX } from "xlsx";
export { utils, writeFileXLSX };
¥Bundlers will typically optimize the script and only add the requested features. A dynamic import of the wrapper will load the optimized wrapper script:
async function export_data() {
/* dynamically import the SheetJS Wrapper */
const XLSX = await import ("./SheetJSWriteWrapper");
const wb = XLSX.utils.book_new();
const ws = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([["a","b","c"],[1,2,3]]);
XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Sheet1");
XLSX.writeFileXLSX(wb, "SheetJSDynamicWrapperTest.xlsx");
¥Encoding support
如果需要编码支持,则必须手动导入 cpexcel.full.mjs
¥If Encoding support is required, cpexcel.full.mjs
must be manually imported:
/* load the codepage support library for extended support with older formats */
import { set_cptable } from "xlsx";
import * as cptable from 'xlsx/dist/cpexcel.full.mjs';