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每个独立的发布脚本均可在 处获得。

¥Each standalone release script is available at

xlsx.full.min.js 支持 AMD,名称为 xlsx,开箱即用。

¥xlsx.full.min.js supports AMD with name xlsx out of the box. is the URL for 0.20.3

当按文件名引用时,AMD 加载程序通常会忽略文件扩展名。

¥When referencing by file name, AMD loaders typically omit the file extension.

实际文件名是 xlsx.full.min.js,但示例使用名称 xlsx.full.min 标识脚本

¥The actual file name is xlsx.full.min.js, but the examples identify the script using the name xlsx.full.min

监视存储库 或订阅 RSS 订阅 以在新版本发布时收到通知!

¥Watch the repo or subscribe to the RSS feed to be notified when new versions are released!


下载脚本并上传到文件柜后,必须在 @NAmdConfig 配置文件中添加模块别名:

¥After downloading the script and uploading to the file cabinet, a module alias must be added to the @NAmdConfig configuration file:

"paths": {
"xlsx": "/path/to/xlsx.full.min"

添加后,SuiteScripts 可以使用名称 xlsx 引用该包:

¥Once added, SuiteScripts can reference the package using the name xlsx:


* @NApiVersion 2.x

* ... more options ...

* @NAmdConfig ./JsLibraryConfig.json
define(['N/file', 'xlsx'], function(file, XLSX) {
// ... use XLSX here ...

更多详细信息包含在 NetSuite 演示

¥More details are included in the NetSuite demo


NetSuite 用户报告 错误源于 Oracle 问题。下面显示了错误消息示例。

¥NetSuite users reported errors that stem from an Oracle issue. A sample error message is shown below.

Fail to evaluate script: com.netsuite.suitescript.scriptobject.GraalValueAdapter@68d0f09d

这是 NetSuite 的一个错误。只有 Oracle 可以修复该错误!

¥This is a NetSuite bug. Only Oracle can fix the bug!

强烈建议通过 Oracle 支持升级问题。

¥It is strongly encouraged to escalate the issue with Oracle support.

NetSuite 用户已报告通过以下解决方法取得了成功:

¥NetSuite users have reported success with the following workaround:

  1. 在文本编辑器中打开脚本并在代码中搜索 define(

    ¥Open the script in a text editor and search for define( in the code.


¥There will be exactly one instance:


xlsx 替换为 sheetjs

¥Replace the xlsx with sheetjs:

  1. 在 JSON 配置中使用新名称:

    ¥Use the new name in the JSON configuration:

"paths": {
"sheetjs": "/path/to/xlsx.full.min"
  1. define 函数调用的数组参数中使用新名称:

    ¥Use the new name in the array argument to the define function call:


* @NApiVersion 2.x

* ... more options ...

* @NAmdConfig ./JsLibraryConfig.json
define(['N/file', 'sheetjs'], function(file, XLSX) {
// ^^^^^^^ ^^^^
// new module name same variable
// ... use XLSX here ...


OpenUI5 和 SAPUI5 安装说明在专用的 "OpenUI5 / SAPUI5" 演示 中介绍。

¥OpenUI5 and SAPUI5 installation instructions are covered in the dedicated "OpenUI5 / SAPUI5" demo.

SheetJS 独立脚本可以通过两种方式加载:

¥SheetJS standalone scripts can be loaded in two ways:


独立脚本必须使用路径 xlsx 的别名。

¥The standalone script must be aliased to the path xlsx.

requirejs.config 函数可以通过 paths 键定义别名:

¥The requirejs.config function can define aliases through the paths key:

paths: {
xlsx: [ './xlsx.full.min' ]

配置别名后,应用代码可以自由要求 xlsx

¥After configuring the alias, app code can freely require xlsx:

require(['xlsx'], function(XLSX) {
// ... use XLSX here

详情请参阅 RequireJS 演示

¥See the RequireJS demo for details

Dojo 工具包

¥Dojo Toolkit

多年来,Dojo 已经改变了模块加载策略。这些示例是使用 Dojo 1.17.3 进行测试的。不保证它们可以与其他版本一起使用。

¥Dojo has changed module loading strategies over the years. These examples were tested with Dojo 1.17.3. They are not guaranteed to work with other versions.

"Dojo 工具包" 中包含在线演示

¥Live demos are included in "Dojo Toolkit"

独立脚本添加 window.XLSX,因此建议在函数参数中使用 _XLSX,并在回调中使用 XLSX 访问库:

¥The standalone scripts add window.XLSX, so it is recommended to use _XLSX in the function arguments and access the library with XLSX in the callback:

require(["xlsx"], function(
_XLSX // !! NOTE: this is not XLSX! A different variable name must be used
) {
console.log(XLSX.version); // use XLSX in the callback


¥Synchronous Loading

async 设置为 false0 时,可以在 require 调用中直接引用脚本。

¥When async is set to false or 0, the scripts can be directly referenced in require calls.

<script src="dojo.js" data-dojo-config="isDebug:1, async:0"></script>
], function(
_XLSX // !! NOTE: this is not XLSX! A different variable name must be used
) {
// ... use XLSX here


¥Asynchronous Loading

当启用 async 时,Dojo 将只识别名称 xlsxdojoConfig 可以将包名称映射到脚本:

¥When async is enabled, Dojo will only understand the name xlsx. dojoConfig can map package names to scripts:

// This setting must appear *before* loading dojo.js
dojoConfig = {
packages: [
name: "xlsx",
// if self-hosting the script, location should be a folder relative to baseUrl setting
location: "",
// name of the script (without the .js extension)
main: "xlsx.full.min"
<script src="dojo.js" data-dojo-config="isDebug:1, async:1"></script>
require(["xlsx"], function(_XLSX) {
// ... use XLSX here