使用 NuxtJS 的 VueJS 站点中的工作表
Nuxt 内容 是 NuxtJS 的基于文件的 CMS,支持从数据文件生成静态站点和按需服务器渲染。
¥Nuxt Content is a file-based CMS for NuxtJS, enabling static-site generation and on-demand server rendering from data files.
SheetJS 是一个用于从电子表格读取和写入数据的 JavaScript 库。
¥SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.
该演示使用 NuxtJS 和 SheetJS 从电子表格中提取数据并在 HTML 表格中显示内容。
¥This demo uses NuxtJS and SheetJS to pull data from a spreadsheet and display the content in an HTML table.
VueJS 2.x 和 VueJS 3.x 之间存在重大变化。由于许多项目仍然使用 VueJS 2.x,因此此演示包含两个版本的 VueJS 的示例。
¥There were breaking changes between VueJS 2.x and VueJS 3.x. Since many projects still use VueJS 2.x, this demo includes examples for both versions of VueJS.
"Nuxt 内容 v1" 部分探讨了 NuxtJS Content v1 的 "parsers"(与 VueJS 2.x 和 NuxtJS 2.x 配对)
¥The "Nuxt Content v1" section explores "parsers" for NuxtJS Content v1 (paired with VueJS 2.x and NuxtJS 2.x)
"Nuxt 内容 v2" 部分探讨了 NuxtJS Content v2 的 "transformers"(与 VueJS 3.x 和 NuxtJS 3.x 配对)
¥The "Nuxt Content v2" section explores "transformers" for NuxtJS Content v2 (paired with VueJS 3.x and NuxtJS 3.x)
该演示重点介绍使用 NuxtJS 和 VueJS 进行服务器端处理。
¥This demo focuses on server-side processing with NuxtJS and VueJS.
VueJS 演示 包含在浏览器中处理电子表格的 NuxtJS 站点的示例。
¥The VueJS demo includes examples of NuxtJS sites that process spreadsheets in the browser.
本 demo 在以下环境下进行了测试:
¥This demo was tested in the following environments:
Nuxt 内容 | Nuxt | 日期 |
1.15.1 | 2.18.1 | 2024-11-14 |
2.13.4 | 3.14.159 | 2024-11-14 |
Nuxt 嵌入遥测技术。根据文档,可以通过以下方式禁用它:
¥Nuxt embeds telemetry. According to the docs, it can be disabled with:
npx nuxt telemetry disable
¥When the demo was last tested, this command did not work.
¥Disabling telemetry requires a few steps:
¥Set the environment variable
- Linux/MacOS
- Windows
将以下行添加到 .profile
和 .zshrc
¥Add the following line to .profile
, .bashrc
and .zshrc
¥Close and restart the Terminal to load the changes.
在搜索栏中输入 env
,然后选择 "编辑系统环境变量"。
¥Type env
in the search bar and select "Edit the system environment variables".
在新窗口中,单击 "环境变量..." 按钮。
¥In the new window, click the "Environment Variables..." button.
在新窗口中,查找 "系统变量" 部分并单击 "新的..."
¥In the new window, look for the "System variables" section and click "New..."
,并将值设置为 1
¥Set the "Variable name" to NUXT_TELEMETRY_DISABLED
and the value to 1
在每个窗口(3 个窗口)中单击 "OK",然后重新启动计算机。
¥Click "OK" in each window (3 windows) and restart your computer.
:¥A global setting should be added to
in the user home directory:
以下命令可以在 Linux / MacOS 终端中运行:
¥The following command can be run in the Linux / MacOS terminal:
cat >~/.nuxtrc <<EOF
对于 Nuxt 3 站点,在 Nuxt 配置文件中设置
):¥For Nuxt 3 sites, set the
option in the Nuxt config file (eithernuxt.config.ts
// ...
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// @ts-ignore
telemetry: false,
// ...
Nuxt 内容 v1
¥Nuxt Content v1
Nuxt Content v1 旨在与 NuxtJS v2 和 VueJS v2 配合使用。
¥Nuxt Content v1 is designed to work with NuxtJS v2 and VueJS v2.
¥The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz:
可以从 nuxt.config.js
导入 SheetJS NodeJS 模块 以进行构建时处理。
¥The SheetJS NodeJS Module can be
imported from nuxt.config.js
for build-time processing.
¥Custom Parser
自定义解析器接收解释为 UTF-8 字符串的文件内容。对于包括 XLSX 和 XLS 在内的二进制格式,数据已损坏且无法使用。
¥Custom parsers receive the file content interpreted as UTF-8 strings. For binary formats including XLSX and XLS, the data is corrupt and cannot be used.
¥The workaround involves safely re-reading the spreadsheets.
传递给解析器的第二个参数是一个对象。对象的 path
¥The second argument passed to the parser is an object. The path
property of
the object is the path to the file.
SheetJS readFile
[^1] 方法可以定位并解析电子表格文件。sheet_to_json
[^2] 实用函数可以生成行对象数组以在 NuxtJS 页面中使用:
¥The SheetJS readFile
[^1] method can locate and parse the spreadsheet files.
The sheet_to_json
[^2] utility function can generate arrays of row objects for
use in NuxtJS pages:
import { readFile, utils } from 'xlsx';
/* This will be called when the files change */
const parseSheet = (file, { path }) => {
/* `path` is a path that can be read with `XLSX.readFile` */
const wb = readFile(path);
/* iterate through each worksheet name and generate row objects */
const o = wb.SheetNames.map(name => ({
name: name,
data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])
/* The final result must be stored in the `data` key of an object */
return { data: o };
使用 content.extendParser
[^3],Nuxt Content 将使用自定义解析器。
¥Using content.extendParser
[^3], Nuxt Content will use custom parsers.
该属性应该是一个对象,其键是文件扩展名(扩展名前有 .
¥The property is expected to be an object whose keys are file extensions (with
the .
before the extension) and whose values are custom parser functions.
配置的相关部分如下所示。在此代码片段中,自定义解析器 parseSheet
¥The relevant part of the config is shown below. In this snippet, the custom
parser parseSheet
will be associated with XLSX, XLS and NUMBERS files:
export default {
// ...
// content.extendParser allows us to hook into the parsing step
content: {
extendParser: {
// the keys are the extensions that will be matched. The "." is required
".numbers": parseSheet,
".xlsx": parseSheet,
".xls": parseSheet,
// can add other extensions like ".fods" as desired
// ...
¥Template Use
当电子表格放置在 content
文件夹中时,Nuxt 会找到它。可以在带有 asyncData
的视图中引用数据。该名称不应包含扩展名,因此 "sheetjs.numbers"
将被引用为 "sheetjs"
¥When a spreadsheet is placed in the content
folder, Nuxt will find it. The
data can be referenced in a view with asyncData
. The name should not include
the extension, so "sheetjs.numbers"
would be referenced as "sheetjs"
async asyncData ({$content}) {
return {
// $content('sheetjs') will match files with extensions in nuxt.config.js
data: await $content('sheetjs').fetch()
是一个对象数组。每个对象都有一个工作表名称的 name
属性和一个行对象的 data
数组。这与嵌套的 v-for
[^4] 巧妙地映射:
¥In the template, data.data
is an array of objects. Each object has a name
property for the worksheet name and a data
array of row objects. This maps
neatly with nested v-for
<!-- loop over the worksheets -->
<div v-for="item in data.data" v-bind:key="item.name">
<!-- loop over the rows of each worksheet -->
<tr v-for="row in item.data" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<!-- here `row` is a row object generated from sheet_to_json -->
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
Nuxt 内容演示
¥Nuxt Content Demo
对于某些旧版本,部分 Nuxt 依赖树不支持 NodeJS 版本 20。应用创建过程中显示了 EBADENGINE
¥For some older versions, parts of the Nuxt dependency tree did not support
NodeJS version 20. EBADENGINE
warnings were displayed during app creation:
npm WARN EBADENGINE Unsupported engine {
npm WARN EBADENGINE package: '@nuxt/types@2.16.3',
npm WARN EBADENGINE required: { node: '^14.18.0 || ^16.10.0 || ^17.0.0 || ...
npm WARN EBADENGINE current: { node: 'v20.2.0', npm: '9.6.6' }
推荐的解决方案是切换到 Node 18。
¥The recommended solution is to switch to Node 18.
¥Create a stock app:
npx create-nuxt-app@4.0.0 sheetjs-nuxt
¥When prompted, enter the following options:
Project name
:按 Enter(使用默认sheetjs-nuxt
Project name
: press Enter (use defaultsheetjs-nuxt
) -
Programming language
:按 ↓(选择TypeScript
),然后按 Enter¥
Programming language
: press ↓ (TypeScript
selected) then Enter -
Package manager
并按 Enter¥
Package manager
: selectNpm
and press Enter -
UI framework
并按 Enter¥
UI framework
: selectNone
and press Enter -
Nuxt.js modules
,使用 Space 选择,然后按 Enter¥
Nuxt.js modules
: scroll toContent
, select with Space, then press Enter -
Linting tools
:按 Enter(不要选择任何 Linting 工具)¥
Linting tools
: press Enter (do not select any Linting tools) -
Testing framework
并按 Enter¥
Testing framework
: selectNone
and press Enter -
Rendering mode
:选择Universal (SSR / SSG)
并按 Enter¥
Rendering mode
: selectUniversal (SSR / SSG)
and press Enter -
Deployment target
:选择Static (Static/Jamstack hosting)
并按 Enter¥
Deployment target
: selectStatic (Static/Jamstack hosting)
and press Enter -
Development tools
:按 Enter(不要选择任何开发工具)¥
Development tools
: press Enter (do not select any Development tools) -
What is your GitHub username?
:按 Enter(使用默认值)¥
What is your GitHub username?
: press Enter (use default) -
Version control system
并按 Enter¥
Version control system
: selectNone
and press Enter
¥The project will be configured and modules will be installed.
安装 SheetJS 库并启动服务器:
¥Install the SheetJS library and start the server:
cd sheetjs-nuxt
npm i --save https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
npm run dev
构建完成后,终端将显示如下 URL:
¥When the build finishes, the terminal will display a URL like:
ℹ Listening on: http://localhost:64688/
服务器正在监听该 URL。在网络浏览器中打开链接。
¥The server is listening on that URL. Open the link in a web browser.
下载 https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx 并移至
文件夹。¥Download https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx and move to the
curl -L -o content/pres.xlsx https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx
as follows:
¥Add the following to the top of the script:
import { readFile, utils } from 'xlsx';
// This will be called when the files change
const parseSheet = (file, { path }) => {
// `path` is a path that can be read with `XLSX.readFile`
const wb = readFile(path);
const o = wb.SheetNames.map(name => ({ name, data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])}));
return { data: o };
属性:¥Look for the exported object. There should be a
// Content module configuration: https://go.nuxtjs.dev/config-content
content: {},
¥Replace the property with the following definition:
// content.extendParser allows us to hook into the parsing step
content: {
extendParser: {
// the keys are the extensions that will be matched. The "." is required
".numbers": parseSheet,
".xlsx": parseSheet,
".xls": parseSheet,
// can add other extensions like ".fods" as desired
¥(If the property is missing, add it to the end of the exported object)
with the following:
<!-- sheetjs (C) 2013-present SheetJS -- https://sheetjs.com -->
<div v-for="item in data.data" v-bind:key="item.name">
<h2>{{ item.name }}</h2>
<tr v-for="row in item.data" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
export default {
async asyncData ({$content}) {
return {
data: await $content('pres').fetch()
¥The browser should refresh to show the contents of the spreadsheet. If it does not, click Refresh manually or open a new browser window.
要验证实时重新加载是否有效,请使用 Excel 或其他电子表格编辑器从
。¥To verify that live reload works, open
from thecontent
folder with Excel or another spreadsheet editor.
将单元格 A7
设置为 "SheetJS 开发",将 B7
设置为 47
¥Set cell A7
to "SheetJS Dev" and set B7
to 47
. Save the spreadsheet.
¥The server terminal window should show a line like:
ℹ Updated ./content/pres.xlsx @nuxt/content 05:43:37
¥The page should automatically refresh with the new content:
停止服务器(在终端窗口中按 CTRL+C)。
¥Stop the server (press CTRL+C in the terminal window).
¥Build the static site:
npm run generate
这将在 dist
¥This will create a static site in the dist
¥Serve the static site:
npx http-server dist
在 Web 浏览器中访问显示的 URL(通常为 http://localhost:8080
¥Access the displayed URL (typically http://localhost:8080
) in a web browser.
¥To confirm that the spreadsheet data is added to the site, view the page source.
搜索 Bill Clinton
会显示以下编码的 HTML 行:
¥Searching for Bill Clinton
reveals the following encoded HTML row:
<tr><td>Bill Clinton</td> <td>42</td></tr>
Nuxt 内容 v2
¥Nuxt Content v2
Nuxt Content v2 旨在与 NuxtJS v3 和 VueJS v3 配合使用。
¥Nuxt Content v2 is designed to work with NuxtJS v3 and VueJS v3.
¥The following diagram depicts the workbook waltz:
可以从 nuxt.config.js
或转换器或模块脚本安全地导入 SheetJS NodeJS 模块。只要各个 .vue
页面中未导入 SheetJS 模块,该库就不会添加到最终的页面包中!
¥The SheetJS NodeJS Module can be
safely imported from nuxt.config.js
or transformer or module scripts. As long
as the SheetJS modules are not imported in the various .vue
pages, the library
will not be added to the final page bundle!
¥Custom Transformer
Nuxt Content v2
支持自定义转换器来控制数据。尽管该库对 UTF-8 解释进行硬编码,但 _id
字段当前使用模式 content:
后跟文件名(如果文件直接放置在 content
¥Nuxt Content v2
supports custom transformers for controlling data. Although
the library hard-codes UTF-8 interpretations, the _id
field currently uses
the pattern content:
followed by the filename (if files are placed in the
folder directly). This enables a transformer to re-read the file.
例如,如果文件 pres.xlsx
存储在 content
文件夹中,则 NuxtJS 内容将使用 ID "content:pres.xlsx"
。"./content/" + _id.slice(8)
将是原始路径 "./content/pres.xlsx"
¥For example, if the file pres.xlsx
is stored in the content
folder, NuxtJS
Content will use ID "content:pres.xlsx"
. "./content/" + _id.slice(8)
be the original path "./content/pres.xlsx"
NodeJS resolve
[^5] 方法将返回一个文件路径。readFileSync
[^6] 将读取该文件并返回 NodeJS Buffer
。该 Buffer
对象可以使用 SheetJS read
[^7] 方法进行解析。sheet_to_json
[^8] 实用程序函数可以生成行对象数组以在 NuxtJS 页面中使用。
¥The NodeJS resolve
[^5] method will return a file path. readFileSync
[^6] will
read the file and return a NodeJS Buffer
. That Buffer
object can be parsed
with the SheetJS read
[^7] method. The sheet_to_json
[^8] utility function can
generate arrays of row objects for use in NuxtJS pages.
// @ts-ignore
import { defineTransformer } from "@nuxt/content/transformers/utils";
import { read, utils } from "xlsx";
import { readFileSync } from "node:fs";
import { resolve } from 'node:path';
export default defineTransformer({
name: 'sheetformer',
/* list of file extensions */
extensions: ['.xlsx'],
parse (_id: string, rawContent: string) {
/* read the underlying file */
const buf = readFileSync(resolve("./content/" + _id.slice(8)));
/* parse */
const wb = read(buf);
/* generate JS objects for each worksheet */
const body = wb.SheetNames.map(name => ({
name: name,
data: utils.sheet_to_json(wb.Sheets[name])
/* The final result must have the `_id` key and must store data in `body` */
return { _id, body };
转换器返回的数据对象必须具有原始的 _id
键。数据存储在最终对象的 body
¥The data object returned by the transformer must have the original _id
The data is stored in the body
property of the final object.
上次测试此演示时,NuxtJS 类型中存在错误。
¥When this demo was last tested, there were errors in the NuxtJS types.
由于这会影响官方示例,因此这是 NuxtJS 中的一个错误!
¥As this affects the official examples, this is a bug in NuxtJS!
¥Until the bugs are fixed, type checking should be disabled.
¥Custom Modules
NuxtJS 模块是向管道添加转换器的主要机制。
¥NuxtJS modules are the main mechanism for adding transformers to the pipeline.
Module Details (click to show)
Due to the structure of the NuxtJS system, modules must be defined in separate
script files. The module script is expected to export a module configured with
. The setup method is expected to do the following:
Register itself with the "Nitro" subsystem
Add the transformer to Nuxt Content in the
import { resolve } from 'path'
import { defineNuxtModule } from '@nuxt/kit'
export default defineNuxtModule({
/* module setup method */
setup (_options, nuxt) {
/* register with the nitro subsystem */
nuxt.options.nitro.externals = nuxt.options.nitro.externals || {};
nuxt.options.nitro.externals.inline = nuxt.options.nitro.externals.inline || [];
/* add transformer in the content:context hook */
// @ts-ignore
nuxt.hook('content:context', (contentContext) => {
The module must be loaded in nuxt.config.ts
and added to the modules
import SheetJSModule from './sheetmodule'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// @ts-ignore
telemetry: false,
modules: [
/* it is recommended to load the custom modules before @nuxt/content */
content: {}
¥Rendering Data
页面可以在页面设置中使用 useAsyncData
¥Pages can pull data using useAsyncData
in the page setup:
<script setup>
const key = "pres"; // matches pres.xlsx
const { data } = await useAsyncData('x', ()=>queryContent(`/${key}`).findOne());
页面应使用 ContentRenderer
来引用数据。脚本设置中的 data
¥Pages should use ContentRenderer
to reference the data. The data
from the script setup will be shaped like the return value from the transformer.
is an array of objects that holds the worksheet name and data.
<ContentRenderer :value="data">
<!-- data.body is the array defined in the transformer -->
<div v-for="item in data.body" v-bind:key="item.name">
<!-- each item has a "name" string for worksheet name -->
<h2>{{ item.name }}</h2>
<!-- each item has a "body" array of data rows -->
<tr v-for="row in item.data" v-bind:key="row.Index">
<!-- Assuming the sheet uses the columns "Name" and "Index" -->
<td>{{ row.Name }}</td>
<td>{{ row.Index }}</td>
Nuxt 内容 2 演示
¥Nuxt Content 2 Demo
对于某些旧版本,部分 Nuxt 依赖树不支持 NodeJS 版本 20。如果 yarn install
¥For some older versions, parts of the Nuxt dependency tree did not support
NodeJS version 20. If the yarn install
step fails with a message like
error @nuxt/kit@3.4.1: The engine "node" is incompatible with this module.
推荐的解决方案是切换到 Node 18。
¥The recommended solution is to switch to Node 18.
¥Create a stock app and install dependencies:
npx -y nuxi init -t content --packageManager yarn --no-gitInit sheetjs-nc2
cd sheetjs-nc2
npx -y yarn install
npx -y yarn add --dev @types/node
安装 SheetJS 库并启动服务器:
¥Install the SheetJS library and start the server:
npx -y yarn add https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
npx -y yarn dev
构建完成后,终端将显示如下 URL:
¥When the build finishes, the terminal will display a URL like:
> Local: http://localhost:3000/
服务器正在监听该 URL。在网络浏览器中打开链接。
¥The server is listening on that URL. Open the link in a web browser.
下载 https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx 并移至
文件夹。¥Download https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx and move to the
curl -L -o content/pres.xlsx https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.xlsx
¥Create the transformer. Two files must be saved at the root of the project:
(raw transformer module) -
(Nuxt 配置模块)¥
(Nuxt configuration module)
curl -O https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/nuxt/3/sheetformer.ts
curl -O https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/nuxt/3/sheetmodule.ts
创建源文件后,必须将模块添加到 nuxt.config.ts
¥After creating the source files, the module must be added to nuxt.config.ts
import SheetJSModule from './sheetmodule'
export default defineNuxtConfig({
// @ts-ignore
telemetry: false,
devtools: { enabled: true },
modules: [
content: {}
停止开发服务器 (CTRL+C) 并运行以下命令:
¥Stop the dev server (CTRL+C) and run the following:
npx -y nuxi clean
npx -y nuxi cleanup
npx -y nuxi typecheck
npx -y yarn run dev
加载 http://localhost:3000/pres
应该显示一些 JSON 数据:
¥Loading http://localhost:3000/pres
should show some JSON data:
// ...
"data": {
"_path": "/pres",
// ...
"_id": "content:pres.xlsx",
"body": [
"name": "Sheet1", // <-- sheet name
"data": [ // <-- array of data objects
"Name": "Bill Clinton",
"Index": 42
curl -o pages/pres.vue https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/nuxt/3/pres.vue
停止开发服务器 (CTRL+C) 并运行以下命令:
¥Stop the dev server (CTRL+C) and run the following:
npx -y nuxi clean
npx -y nuxi cleanup
npx -y yarn run dev
浏览器现在应该显示一个 HTML 表格。
¥The browser should now display an HTML table.
。¥To verify that hot loading works, open
from thecontent
folder with a spreadsheet editor.
将单元格 A7
设置为 "SheetJS 开发",将 B7
设置为 47
¥Set cell A7
to "SheetJS Dev" and set B7
to 47
. Save the spreadsheet.
¥The page should automatically refresh with the new content.
停止服务器(在终端窗口中按 CTRL+C)。
¥Stop the server (press CTRL+C in the terminal window).
¥Build the static site:
npx -y yarn run generate
这将在 .output/public
¥This will create a static site in .output/public
, which can be served with:
npx -y http-server .output/public
在 Web 浏览器中访问显示的 URL(通常为 http://localhost:8080
¥Access the displayed URL (typically http://localhost:8080
) in a web browser.
¥To confirm that the spreadsheet data is added to the site, view the page source.
搜索 Bill Clinton
会显示以下编码的 HTML 行:
¥Searching for Bill Clinton
reveals the following encoded HTML row:
<tr><td>Bill Clinton</td><td>42</td></tr>
[^1]: 见 readFile
于 "读取文件"
¥See readFile
in "Reading Files"
[^2]: 见 sheet_to_json
于 "实用工具"
¥See sheet_to_json
in "Utilities"
[^3]: 请参阅 NuxtJS 文档中的 extendParser
¥See extendParser
in the NuxtJS documentation.
[^4]: 见 VueJS 演示中的 "对象数组"
¥See "Array of Objects" in the VueJS demo
[^5]: 请参阅 NodeJS node:path
文档中的 resolve
¥See resolve
in the NodeJS node:path
[^6]: 请参阅 NodeJS node:fs
文档中的 readFileSync
¥See readFileSync
in the NodeJS node:fs
[^7]: 见 read
于 "读取文件"
[^8]: 见 sheet_to_json
于 "实用工具"