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VBA 和宏

File Format Support (click to show)

XLSX does not support macros. The XLSM file format is nearly identical to XLSX and supports macros.

FormatsBasicStorage Representation
XLSMvbaProject.bin file in container
XLSXNot supported in format (use XLSM)
XLSBvbaProject.bin file in container
XLSIntercalated in CFB container

X (✕) marks features that are not supported by the file formats. There is no way to embed VBA in the XLSX format.

Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) 是嵌入在 Excel 中的脚本编写平台。用户可以在电子表格中包含用户定义的函数和宏代码。

¥Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) is a scripting platform embedded in Excel. Users can include user-defined functions and macro code within spreadsheets.

SheetJS 工作簿对象的 vbaraw 属性是一个编码数据 blob,其中包括 VBA 宏和其他元数据。

¥The vbaraw property of the SheetJS workbook object is an encoded data blob which includes the VBA macros and other metadata.

默认情况下,SheetJS readreadFile 方法不提取 VBA 元数据。如果 bookVBA 选项设置为 true,则创建 vbaraw blob。

¥The SheetJS read and readFile methods do not pull VBA metadata by default. If the bookVBA option is set to true, the vbaraw blob is created.

var workbook =, { bookVBA: true });
var encoded_vba_blob = workbook.vbaraw;

如果 vbaraw blob 存在于工作簿对象中并且输出文件格式支持宏,则 SheetJS writewriteFile 方法将保存 vbaraw blob。

¥The SheetJS write and writeFile methods will save the vbaraw blob if it is present in the workbook object and if the output file format supports macros.

workbook.vbaraw = encoded_vba_blob;
XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "SheetJSNewMacro.xlsm");

较新版本的 Excel 支持用于编写用户定义函数的新 JavaScript API。这些插件不存储在电子表格文件中。

¥Newer versions of Excel support a new JavaScript API for writing user-defined functions. Those addins are not stored in the spreadsheet files.

"Excel JavaScript API" 演示 涵盖了 API 中 SheetJS 库的使用。

¥The "Excel JavaScript API" demo covers usage of SheetJS libraries within the API.

vbaraw 属性存储原始字节。SheetJS 专业版 提供了一个特殊的组件,用于从 VBA blob 中提取宏文本、编辑 VBA 项目以及导出新的 VBA blob。

¥The vbaraw property stores raw bytes. SheetJS Pro offers a special component for extracting macro text from the VBA blob, editing the VBA project, and exporting new VBA blobs.



导出演示重点关注 一个例子,其中包括以下用户定义函数:

¥The export demos focus on an example that includes the following user-defined functions:

Function GetFormulaA1(Cell As Range) As String
GetFormulaA1 = Cell.Formula
End Function

Function GetFormulaRC(Cell As Range) As String
GetFormulaRC = Cell.Formula2R1C1
End Function


¥Copying Macros

下载示例文件后,演示会提取 VBA blob 并创建一个包含 VBA blob 的新工作簿。单击按钮创建文件并在支持 VBA 的电子表格编辑器中打开:

¥After downloading the sample file, the demo extracts the VBA blob and creates a new workbook including the VBA blob. Click the button to create the file and open in a spreadsheet editor that supports VBA:

Live Editor
function SheetJSVBAFormula() { return ( <button onClick={async () => {
  /* Extract VBA Blob from test file */
  const url = "/vba/SheetJSVBAFormula.xlsm";
  const raw_data = await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer();
  const blob =, {bookVBA: true}).vbaraw;

  /* generate worksheet and workbook */
  const worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([
    ["Cell", "A1", "RC"],
      {t:"n", f:"LEN(A1)"},      // A2
      {t:"s", f:"GetFormulaA1(A2)"},  // B2
      {t:"s", f:"GetFormulaRC(A2)"}   // C2
  const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
  XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, "Sheet1");

  /* add VBA blob to new workbook */
  workbook.vbaraw = blob;

  /* create an XLSM file and try to save to SheetJSVBANeu.xlsm */
  XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "SheetJSVBANeu.xlsm");
}}><b>Click to Generate file!</b></button> ); }

提取 VBA Blob

¥Extracting VBA Blobs

要提取 blob,必须在 readreadFile 调用中设置 bookVBA: true

¥To extract blobs, bookVBA: true must be set in the read or readFile call.

以下示例提取工作簿中嵌入的 VBA Blob:

¥The following example extracts the embedded VBA blob in a workbook:

Live Editor
function SheetJSExtractVBA(props) {
  const [msg, setMsg] = React.useState("Select a macro-enabled file");
  return ( <>
    <input type="file" onChange={async(e) => {
      /* parse workbook with bookVBA: true */
      const wb =[0].arrayBuffer(), {bookVBA: true});

      /* get vba blob */
      if(!wb.vbaraw) return setMsg("No VBA found!");
      const blob = wb.vbaraw;

      /* download to vbaProject.bin */
      setMsg("Attempting to download vbaProject.bin");
      const url = URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([blob]));
      const a = document.createElement("a"); = "vbaProject.bin"; a.href = url;
  </> );

导出 Blob

¥Exporting Blobs

为了确保编写者导出 VBA blob:

¥To ensure the writers export the VBA blob:

  • 输出格式必须支持 VBA(xlsmxlsbxlsbiff8

    ¥The output format must support VBA (xlsm or xlsb or xls or biff8)

  • 工作簿对象必须具有有效的 vbaraw 字段

    ¥The workbook object must have a valid vbaraw field

此示例使用 样本文件 中的 vbaProject.bin

¥This example uses vbaProject.bin from the sample file:

Live Editor
function SheetJSVBAPrepared() { return ( <button onClick={async () => {
  /* Download prepared VBA blob */
  const url = "/vba/vbaProject.bin";
  const blob = new Uint8Array(await (await fetch(url)).arrayBuffer());

  /* generate worksheet and workbook */
  const worksheet = XLSX.utils.aoa_to_sheet([
    ["Cell", "A1", "RC"],
      {t:"n", f:"LEN(A1)"},      // A2
      {t:"s", f:"GetFormulaA1(A2)"},  // B2
      {t:"s", f:"GetFormulaRC(A2)"}   // C2
  const workbook = XLSX.utils.book_new();
  XLSX.utils.book_append_sheet(workbook, worksheet, "Sheet1");

  /* add VBA blob to new workbook */
  workbook.vbaraw = blob;

  /* create an XLSM file and try to save to SheetJSVBAPreparedNeu.xlsm */
  XLSX.writeFile(workbook, "SheetJSVBAPreparedNeu.xlsm");
}}><b>Click to Generate file!</b></button> ); }




¥Code Names

Excel 将使用 ThisWorkbook(或类似 DieseArbeitsmappe 的翻译)作为工作簿的默认代码名称。即使工作表名称已更改,每个工作表也将使用默认的 Sheet# 命名模式进行标识。

¥Excel will use ThisWorkbook (or a translation like DieseArbeitsmappe) as the default Code Name for the workbook. Each worksheet will be identified using the default Sheet# naming pattern even if the worksheet names have changed.

自定义工作簿代码名称将存储在 wb.Workbook.WBProps.CodeName 中。对于导出,分配属性将覆盖默认值。

¥A custom workbook code name will be stored in wb.Workbook.WBProps.CodeName. For exports, assigning the property will override the default value.

工作表和图表代码名称位于 wb.Workbook.Sheets[i].CodeName 处的工作表属性对象中。宏表和对话框表将被忽略。

¥Worksheet and Chartsheet code names are in the worksheet properties object at wb.Workbook.Sheets[i].CodeName. Macrosheets and Dialogsheets are ignored.

读取器和写入器保留代码名称,但在将 VBA blob 添加到不同的工作簿时必须手动设置它们。

¥The readers and writers preserve the code names, but they have to be manually set when adding a VBA blob to a different workbook.



旧版本的 Excel 还支持存储自动化命令的非 VBA "macrosheet" 工作表类型。这些在 !type 属性设置为 "macro" 的对象中公开。

¥Older versions of Excel also supported a non-VBA "macrosheet" sheet type that stored automation commands. These are exposed in objects with the !type property set to "macro".

在幕后,Excel 将宏表视为普通工作表,并对函数表达式进行特殊解释。

¥Under the hood, Excel treats Macrosheets as normal worksheets with special interpretation of the function expressions.


¥Detecting Macros in Workbooks

仅当存在宏时才会设置 vbaraw 字段。宏表将被显式标记。结合这两个检查会产生一个简单的函数:

¥The vbaraw field will only be set if macros are present. Macrosheets will be explicitly flagged. Combining the two checks yields a simple function:

function wb_has_macro(wb/*:workbook*/)/*:boolean*/ {
if(!!wb.vbaraw) return true;
const sheets = => wb.Sheets[n]);
return sheets.some((ws) => !!ws && ws['!type']=='macro');