"通用电子表格格式" 是 SheetJS 使用的对象模型。库 包括许多 API 函数 用于常见操作,但某些功能只能通过直接检查和修改对象来访问。
¥The "Common Spreadsheet Format" is the object model used by SheetJS. The library includes a number of API functions for common operations, but some features are only accessible by inspecting and modifying the objects directly.
本节介绍工作簿、工作表、单元格、范围、地址和其他功能的 JS 表示。
¥This section covers the JS representation of workbooks, worksheets, cells, ranges, addresses and other features.
Web Worker 是一种流行的 Web 浏览器并行 API,它使用消息传递。"结构化克隆算法"[^1] 用于在主渲染器线程和 Worker 实例之间传递数据。
¥Web Workers, a popular API for parallelism in the web browser, uses message passing. The "structured clone algorithm"[^1] is used to pass data between the main renderer thread and Worker instances.
¥The structured clone algorithm does not preserve functions or prototypes.
在 SheetJS 数据模型中,每个结构都是一个简单的对象。没有类或原型方法。
¥In the SheetJS data model, each structure is a simple object. There are no classes or prototype methods.
[^1]: 有关 "结构化克隆算法" 的更多详细信息,请参阅 HTML Living Standard。
¥See the HTML Living Standard for more details on the "structured clone algorithm".