Elysia 中的工作表
¥ElysiaJS is a server-side framework for BunJS.
SheetJS 是一个用于从电子表格读取和写入数据的 JavaScript 库。
¥SheetJS is a JavaScript library for reading and writing data from spreadsheets.
该演示使用 ElysiaJS 和 SheetJS 来读取和写入数据。我们将探讨如何在 POST 请求处理程序中解析上传的文件并使用可下载的电子表格响应 GET 请求。
¥This demo uses ElysiaJS and SheetJS to read and write data. We'll explore how to parse uploaded files in a POST request handler and respond to GET requests with downloadable spreadsheets.
"完整示例" 部分包括一个完整的服务器。
¥The "Complete Example" section includes a complete server.
¥This demo was tested in the following deployments:
平台 | ElysiaJS | 日期 |
BunJS 1.1.40 | 0.8.17 | 2024-12-19 |
BunJS 1.1.40 | 1.1.26 | 2024-12-19 |
¥Integration Details
SheetJS BunJS 模块 可以从 ElysiaJS 服务器脚本导入。
¥The SheetJS BunJS module can be imported from ElysiaJS server scripts.
¥Reading Data
ElysiaJS 正文解析器接受 schema[^1]。t.File
¥The ElysiaJS body parser accepts a schema[^1]. The t.File
method marks that a
field is expected to be a file.
以下架构指示字段 upload
¥The following schema indicates the field upload
should be a submitted file:
body: t.Object({
upload: t.File()
ElysiaJS 将文件公开为 Blob
方法返回一个解析为 ArrayBuffer
的 Promise。可以使用 SheetJS read
方法 [^2] 来解析 ArrayBuffer
¥ElysiaJS exposes the file as a Blob
object. The Blob#arrayBuffer
returns a Promise that resolves to an ArrayBuffer
. That ArrayBuffer
can be
parsed with the SheetJS read
此示例服务器响应 POST 请求。服务器将在请求正文中查找 "upload"
键下的文件。如果存在文件,服务器将解析该文件,使用 sheet_to_html
方法 [^3] 生成 HTML 表并使用 HTML 代码进行响应:
¥This example server responds to POST requests. The server will look for a file
in the request body under the "upload"
key. If a file is present, the server
will parse the file, generate an HTML table using the sheet_to_html
and respond with the HTML code:
import { Elysia, t } from "elysia";
import { read, utils } from "xlsx";
const app = new Elysia();
app.post("/", async({ body: { upload } }) => {
const data = await upload.arrayBuffer();
const wb = read(data);
return utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
}, {
body: t.Object({
upload: t.File()
¥Writing Data
给定一个 SheetJS 工作簿对象,使用 type: "buffer"
[^4] 的 write
方法会生成可以传递给 BunJS File
¥Given a SheetJS workbook object, the write
method using type: "buffer"
generates data objects which can be passed to the BunJS File
constructor. The
constructor accepts a second parameter for the generated file name.
此示例服务器响应 GET 请求。服务器将从数组 [^5] 生成一个 SheetJS 工作表对象,使用 book_new
[^6] 和 book_append_sheet
[^7] 实用程序方法构建一个新工作簿,使用 write
生成 XLSX 文件,并发送带有适当标头的文件以启动文件名 SheetJSElysia.xlsx
¥This example server responds to GET requests. The server will generate a SheetJS
worksheet object from an array of arrays[^5], build up a new workbook using the
[^6] and book_append_sheet
[^7] utility methods, generate a XLSX file
using write
, and send the file with appropriate headers to initiate a download
with file name SheetJSElysia.xlsx
import { Elysia } from "elysia";
import { utils, write } from "xlsx";
const app = new Elysia();
app.get("/", () => {
var ws = utils.aoa_to_sheet(["SheetJS".split(""), [5,4,3,3,7,9,5]]);
var wb = utils.book_new(); utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
/* generate buffer */
var buf = write(wb, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});
return new File([buf], "SheetJSElysia.xlsx");
¥Complete Example
创建一个新的 ElysiaJS 项目:
¥Create a new ElysiaJS project:
bun create elysia sheetjs-elysia
cd sheetjs-elysia
bun install
命令可以安装特定版本的 ElysiaJS:
¥The bun install
command can install specific versions of ElysiaJS:
bun install elysia@0.8.17
安装 SheetJS BunJS 模块:
¥Install the SheetJS BunJS module:
bun install https://cdn.sheetjs.com/xlsx-0.20.3/xlsx-0.20.3.tgz
:¥Save the following script to
import { Elysia, t } from "elysia";
import { read, utils, write } from "xlsx";
const app = new Elysia();
app.get("/", () => {
var ws = utils.aoa_to_sheet(["SheetJS".split(""), [5,4,3,3,7,9,5]]);
var wb = utils.book_new(); utils.book_append_sheet(wb, ws, "Data");
/* generate buffer */
var buf = write(wb, {type: "buffer", bookType: "xlsx"});
return new File([buf], "SheetJSElysia.xlsx");
/* set headers */
app.post("/", async({ body: { upload } }) => {
const data = await upload.arrayBuffer();
const wb = read(data);
return utils.sheet_to_csv(wb.Sheets[wb.SheetNames[0]]);
}, {
body: t.Object({
upload: t.File()
app.listen(3000, () => { console.log("SheetJS ElysiaJS server is up")});
¥Run the server:
bun run src/SheetJSElysia.ts
脚本将打印 SheetJS ElysiaJS server is up
¥The script will print SheetJS ElysiaJS server is up
使用 https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers 测试 POST 请求。这些命令应在新的终端窗口中运行:
¥Test POST requests using https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers . The commands should be run in a new terminal window:
curl -LO https://xlsx.nodejs.cn/pres.numbers
curl -X POST -F upload=@pres.numbers http://localhost:3000/
来测试 GET 请求。¥Test GET requests by opening
in your browser.
该页面应尝试下载 SheetJSElysia.xlsx
。 打开新文件。
¥The page should attempt to download SheetJSElysia.xlsx
. Open the new file.
[^1]: 请参阅 ElysiaJS 文档中的 "显式主体"。
¥See "Explicit Body" in the ElysiaJS documentation.
[^2]: 见 read
于 "读取文件"
[^3]: 见 sheet_to_html
于 "实用工具"
¥See sheet_to_html
in "Utilities"
[^4]: 见 write
于 "写入文件"
[^5]: 见 aoa_to_sheet
于 "实用工具"
¥See aoa_to_sheet
in "Utilities"
[^6]: 见 book_new
于 "实用工具"
[^7]: 见 book_append_sheet
于 "实用工具"