SheetJS 库通常在数据管道中用于处理个人身份信息 (PII)。
¥SheetJS libraries are commonly used in data pipelines for processing personally identifiable information (PII).
¥Libraries never attempt to make network requests and never collect telemetry.
¥In practice, there are many interesting networking use cases including server processing of user-submitted files and fetching files from an external source.
当处理来自外部源的数据时,特定于平台的操作将获取二进制数据,并且 SheetJS 库将处理该数据。
¥When processing data from an external source, a platform-specific operation will obtain binary data and SheetJS libraries will process the data.
导出数据时,SheetJS 库将生成原始数据,特定于平台的操作将分发数据。
¥When exporting data, SheetJS libraries will generate raw data and platform-specific operations will distribute the data.
¥The demos in this section cover common use cases: